Mato drew back from a crow yesterday but he was different today confronting those huge swans.
It's rare to see swans around this edge of the lake near our home.
Both Kaiya and Mato got excited and wanted to chase them :(
One of the swans started to intimidate them but they don't care.
It took time to calm them down but finally we said good-bye to the swans and continues our walk ;)
昨日はカラスに後ずさりしたMatoだったけど 今日は大きな白鳥に立ち向かうMatoで〜す。
もう うちの子たちは追いかけたくて追いかけたくて仕方ない様子・・・( ̄^ ̄)
1羽の白鳥さんが威嚇し始めても 気にせず近くにより違って困ったもんだ。
なんとかなだめて 白鳥さんたちにさよならして 散歩を続けましたとさ(^_-)
Mato Kaiya |
Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
KAIYAもMATOも氷の上の美女(美しい鳥)に あっけにとられたかな?
Delete白鳥の恩返しに期待しましょう。 Kaiya...Mato!!
ReplyDelete恩返しは 鶴じゃないんかーい! Kaiya〜Mato〜!