Kaiya accomplishes her morning task on weekends very well.
Yes. She woke me up early...again...
I wanted to go back to sleep again but it's Mato who didn't allow me to do so.
眠いから2度寝をしようとしたら グイグイMatoが横に来て2度寝できなかったぁ(笑)
We had to take a walk in the fog this morning.
By the way, it's April already. Damn it...I forgot about April fools...since it was a bad weather, I just put my lazy butt on the sofa pretty much whole day instead... :p
ってか 今日はもう4月。エイプリルフールを仕掛けるのを忘れた・・・。天気が悪かったからダラーっと過ごした休みの日でしたぁ(^_^;)
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |