The 145th Kai Ken Aigokai dog show was held in Yamanashi, Japan (15 minutes aways from where I grew up) on last Sunday (2nd of April).
Mato's dad Ren (real name is Amari no ryusei) was there as one of so called reference dogs from previous champions.
He was the 143th grand champion.
4月2日日曜日に 私の実家のすごく近く山梨の韮崎市で第145回甲斐犬愛護会展覧会があって Matoのお父さんレン(甘利乃龍聖)が参考犬で出たんだってぇ〜!
Mr.&Mrs. Arisumi sent me the photo :))
The KKA dog show is held twice a year, spring and fall, and I went to the last fall one when I went to Japan to bring Mato. And it was amazing. I'm not actually interested in the show but seeing so many Kais is like a paradise!
I really wanna see Ren again. I've only seen him once last year for the first time but he was such a sweet boy!
You know, Mato used to look like his mom Komugi so much when he was little, but now he also looks like Ren :)
年に2回ある展覧会。去年日本にMatoを迎えに行った時は秋の展覧会にMatoと一緒に行って来たけど 甲斐犬パラダイス!
またレンに会いたいなぁ〜。去年一回だけ初めて会って なつっこくてめっちゃ可愛かったんだよなぁ〜♡
そうそう 小さい頃はお母さんのコムギに似てたMatoだけど 最近はレンにも似て来た!特に鼻とかマズルあたり( ̄+ー ̄)
And this time, one of Kaiya's brother from the same litter, Hayate came to see this show. Hayate lives vey far from Yamanashi, so this doesn't happen often, and I missed it!!!!
Hayate and Kaiya were the ones who most look like their dad Kai and which means they are look alike, too.
I couldn't find better photo of Kaiya but don't you think so??
そしてそしてなんと Kaiyaの兄弟 疾風が今回は遠いところから展覧会を見に来てたんだって!
疾風はKaiyaと一緒に生まれた6姉弟のうちの1人で Kaiyaと疾風が一番お父さんのカイに似てるんだよぉ〜。
はぁ〜 会いたかったなぁ〜(*´Д`*)
Kaiyaのいい写真が見つからなかったけど 似てるでしょ?
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Hayate 疾風 疾風の写真は有墨さんのブログから借りて来ました。 |
Kaiya |
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