Afternoon walk yesterday.
Bit chilly when the wind blew but basically it was sunny and felt so good :)))
I took them to the park on the hill.
風は冷たかったけど 太陽が出てて気持ちのいい日。
Kaiya |
Mato |
Mato Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
It seemed like it started!
Mato |
Mato Kaiya |
But their chasing didn't last that long.
Mato's become such a good boy.
He's waiting in front of the stairs in this photo because he's done with this park and wants to go further.
When he was much smaller, he once went down the stairs by himself running and got real close to the street... my heart almost stopped when that happened.
He learned well and now he knows that he can't go down by himself and has to wait for me there :)))
もう先に行きたいらしくて ちゃんと階段の前で待ってる。
前に 気づいたら階段を1人で降りてて爆走して道路に出そうなことがあって マミーの心臓を止まらせるとこだったけど 今はちゃんとここを1人で降りてはダメってことがわかってて 降りないで私を待ってる(o^^o)
良い子じゃ( ^ω^ )
I wasn't planing to go but since both Kaiya and Mato were being such good kids, I decided to go to the pet supply store Zoo.
We bought some treats and of course, they got some treats from the cashier girl as usual :)
Both were so happy and look at Mato's smile ;p
2人とも良い子だから 行く予定はなかったけどペットサプライショップのZooにこのあと行ってきましたぁ〜。
ちょいとおやつを買って レジでいつものようにお姉さんにおやつをもらってルンルンな2人。
It was too nice outside to go home right a way. I lay down on a bench to take a nap in the sun.
Kaiya was whole the time by my side guarding me since I was too vulnerable ;p
Thanks Kaiya!
太陽が気持ちよかったから 直帰しないでベンチにゴロンして日光浴しながらちょいと休憩〜。
そんな隙だらけのマミーの横でKaiyaさんはあたりを見回してボディーガード( ̄ー ̄ )
Mato 鼻の穴でかいぞ~ Kaiya~!!