It's been warm and sunny since the 1st of August!
・・・we still get sudden showers sometimes though :(
But today it didn't rain at all whole day long and it was such a nice summer day :)
Kaiya and I took our usual long walk in the morning for about 2 and half hours.
First we went to the big dog park in Solna!
There wasn't anybody but us so we ran together and play a lot!
8月に入ってから いい感じに暖かくなってまっす!
でも 今日は雨も降らず 一日中いいお天気で気持ちのいい夏日和(^^)
Kaiyaと私は ナイスな天気だし 今朝も2時間半くらいの長いお散歩したぁ!
まずは隣町Solnaにある広いドッグラン行って 一緒に走って回って遊んだよぉ〜ん!
誰もいなかったから 貸し切り状態(^_^)
木に登ってたら Kaiyaも木の幹の割れ目に飛び込んできたぞぉ〜 |
写真じゃ見えないけど 蝶蝶を追ってるとこで〜す! |
There you go girl. Drink a lot :) さぁ いっぱい飲め〜!!! |
水飲み場は マミーの横だよ Kaiya~!!