Such a beautiful morning. Sun was out and warm. We went out to the dog park in Solna again!
今朝も天気がよくて気持ちいい朝だったから Solnaのドッグランへ!
Soon after when we got there, 2 little ones came in :)
暫くしたら 2匹の小さめの子達が入ってきた(^^)
Then a five-month puppy came in.
I forgot to ask what breed he was but probably a toller, I think.
Kaiya played with him a lot :)
何犬だろぉ? 聞くの忘れちゃったけど 多分トーラーかな?
Kaiyaさん この子といっぱい遊んだよ〜ん
Hahahaha! Look at your face, Kaiya! Little too scary for a little girl :p あははははは! 負けそうになって Kaiyaすごい顔(笑) |
And then a german shepherd boy came in!
This guy's one and a half year old. He was such a calm boy for that age.
Other doggies seemed little scared of him because he was gigantic comparing to their size.
Kaiya was sort of the only one who played with him.
She was little cautious at first but by the time other ones left the dog park,
they got along and ran all over the dog park and played a lot!
I'm not sure if he was running as fast as he could but Kaiya was beating him!!! :p
でも他の子たちはちょっと怖かったみたいで Kaiyaだけしかこの子と遊ばなかった(^^;)
最初はKaiyaも大きい子だから慎重だったけど 他の子達が帰っちゃって
この子とKaiyaだけになったときには 2人でドッグラン全面走り回って遊んでた!
手を抜いてくれてたのかわからないけど 走りでKaiyaが勝ってたぜい!(笑)
Kaiya's refusal ①
Little after we left the dog park, she lay down on the grass all the sudden!!!
はいは〜い Kaiyaさんの動かない攻撃①
K: "Mommy, it's too hot. I'm tired. I can't walk any more." M: "I'm super hungry. It's not that far from home now. Move your butt!" K: "マミー あっついよ 疲れたよ もう動けないよ!" M: "マミーお腹減ったんだよ もう少しだから早く家帰るよ!" |
Again Kaiya's refusal ②
またも Kiayaさんの動かない攻撃②
"Seriously I'm done." "あーホント マジもう無理" |
"I can't take even a step any more!" "もう 一歩も動けないからねぇ〜" |
"I can't get up cuz my front paws are hidden and gone :p" "もう前足なんて折り曲げちゃったから 立てないもんねぇ" |
"Aaaaah, it's soooo nice on the grass in the shade!" "あぁ〜 日陰の草の上 気持ちぃ〜" |
"What're you looking at!? I said I'm not going!" "何見てるのぉ!?行かないったら 行かないよぉ〜!" |
このあと 食べ物につられて めっちゃ元気に歩いて帰ったKaiyaでした(笑)
負けそうになって「牙かいや」、動かない攻撃で「そう?かいや」 Kaiya~!!