The long walk this morning was to the wood located very near the lake we went to yesterday.
This was the first time going to this wood.
The truth is that we took the same route to the lake
but it's gonna be boring to go exactly the same as yesterday
so we went opposite direction when we reached the lake.
Then there it was.
It wasn't that big, i think...but big enough for Kaiya to run.
A lot of times, she was out of my sight partly because she's so fast and went little far
and partly because the wood was very thrived.
Anyways, I had to call her back time to time to make sure she didn't go too far.
そんなに広くはなかったけど いつものようにすごい勢いで走りまくってたKaiya!
結構生い茂ってる森だったから 姿がすぐ見えなくなるし
大分静かだったから 遠くの方まで行ってたんだろうな
口笛&犬笛で何度か呼び戻したりして 暫く森を散策
It was when I was just thinking to put the leash on her and get back on the way home
we caught a deer on our sight...
The deer ran little up the hill and Kaiya ran after it.... :(
This wan't a familiar place and I didn't want her to go near any streets where cars ran
so I followed them after to see what's up there.
Apartments were there but there weren't any big streets....thank g...
I whistled and called her name many times but no show.
...She might've been back to where we were.
I went back and there she was!!!
Such a good girl!!!
We came too far from home. Let's head back for real!!!
そろそろ道に降りて 帰路につきますかぁ!
知らない場所だし 道路に出られたら困るから ちょっと追ってみた
アパートがある場所に出たけど 道路は近くに無いみたい・・・よかったぁ〜
"ピーピー(犬笛)" "Kaiya〜!!!"
なかなか 出てこないなぁ・・・
走り始めた場所に戻ってるかもしれないから 戻るかぁ〜
戻ってみたら やっぱり いた(笑)
さて 大分遠くまで来ちゃったからね まじめに帰るぞぉ〜!
おしい!! 鹿とツーショットがないよ Kaiya~!!
Deletekaiyaは 父のカイと 母の愛のいいとこどりだな
ReplyDelete他の犬と遊べる 優しさと 獲物を追う判断力 最高の犬ですね
お父さんカイ君とお母さん愛ちゃんが すばらしい犬だから Kaiyaもこんなにいい子に育ってくれました!