We went for a long walk this morning.
To the lake Lötsjön!
今朝は 朝から長いお散歩へ
ちょっと離れたとこにある湖 Lötsjön まで行ってきたよぉ〜ん
First, we walked around the lake
テクテク テクテク まずは湖の周りをお散歩
Then about a half around the lake, there's small woods which we'd been here before,
湖半周したあたりに 前にも来たことあるけど ちょっとした森がある
I let you run here today!
Have fun now!
さぁ 行ってこい!
Took off the leash and she took off as soon as I said OK and disappeared in a couple of seconds. リード外してOKの合図で マッハで掛けてくKaiya! |
She came back to me after the first round. :p Hey what you got on yourself Kaiya!? とりあえず 一周してきたらしく ちょっと私の側へ って おいおい いっぱい バカ付けてきたなぁ〜(笑) |
Never get tired of running :P 走りはまだまだ終わらない |
You're like a ninja...hiding yourself in the shadow... 木の陰と同化して 忍び寄るもの有り(笑) |
Never ends. まだまだまだまだ〜 走る〜!!!! |
It's difficult see how big this stone is and how steep the surface is but it's just like a huge wall and it's almost 90° 写真だとわかりにくいけど この岩 結構おっきくてほぼ直角な壁 |
Suddenly she started chasing after a bird then she climbed up this wall!!!!! 急にダッシュで鳥を追いかけだしたと思ったら この壁を登っちゃったよ!!!! |
I'm seriously impressed!! That's my Kai-ken!!! すっげーな Kaiya!!!! さすが甲斐犬だよ!!! |
Maybe I can do it too if Kaiya can...Nahhhh!!! Too slippery and this is impossible for me...lol Kaiyaにできるなら 私にも・・・ いやぁ〜 すべるし さすがにこれは無理でしたぁ〜(笑) |
I don't know if she knew that I was amazed by her, she kept climbing up and coming down...over and over... SHOW-OFF!!!! :P 私が感心してるのを知ってか知らないのか 何度も登って降りてを繰り返してくれちゃってるKaiyaさん・・・ 自慢かぁ!?!?!? |
ここは My Zone だよ Kaiya~!!
Deleteアンナさんの気持ちがわかるんだよ kaiyaは・・・