Sunday, August 30, 2015

Endless kisses ;)

Daddy and I had to work in the evening today so Kaiya was home alone.

We tried so hard to get the job done and came home as quick as possible.

When we came home, Kaiya welcomed us with tons of kisses:)

I guess she was too excited that she couldn't stop

going back and forth between daddy and me to give kisses!!! :p

今日は ダディも私も夜仕事だったから Kaiyaさん1人でお留守番

急ぎ足で帰ったら Kaiyaさんのペロペロ攻撃にあったよぉん!(^^)

とっても寂しかったらしく ダディをペロペロ マミーをペロペロ 


And we all came out right away to take a night walk!

 Kaiya was really happy taking a walk with both daddy and I :)

そして そのまま夜の散歩にみんなで行ってきたぁ!

Kaiyaさん ルンルン〜♪

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