Monday, August 31, 2015

Long morning walk

Kaiya and I hadn't been getting enough exercises lately...

so this morning, we finally went for a long walk as we used to do!

We jogged a little within the total of one and half hour walk.

It felt soooooo goooood!

And of course, she started to do this ↓↓↓ suddenly. lol

ひっさしぶりに 長い散歩に今朝行ってきたぁ〜

Kaiyaもマミーも運動不足だから 途中ランニングしたりしながらの1時間半



Wow! I got the best shot of the day!!! :p ↓↓↓↓↓

すんごい顔激写!!! ↓↓↓↓↓

 "What r ya lookin' at!"

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Endless kisses ;)

Daddy and I had to work in the evening today so Kaiya was home alone.

We tried so hard to get the job done and came home as quick as possible.

When we came home, Kaiya welcomed us with tons of kisses:)

I guess she was too excited that she couldn't stop

going back and forth between daddy and me to give kisses!!! :p

今日は ダディも私も夜仕事だったから Kaiyaさん1人でお留守番

急ぎ足で帰ったら Kaiyaさんのペロペロ攻撃にあったよぉん!(^^)

とっても寂しかったらしく ダディをペロペロ マミーをペロペロ 


And we all came out right away to take a night walk!

 Kaiya was really happy taking a walk with both daddy and I :)

そして そのまま夜の散歩にみんなで行ってきたぁ!

Kaiyaさん ルンルン〜♪

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Bye bye Lucy

Lucy is flying back to Japan today.

We did the last morning walk together:)

Lucy, take care and come back again!!




Thursday, August 27, 2015


This morning, my friend from Japan Lucy came along with us!


They got along! :)


After the walk, Lucy and I went out to have lunch to Winterviken.

Winterviken was Alfred Nobel's old dynamite factory.

Now the factory building became a event hall.

There's a very cozy cafe, too, on the first floor, where we had lunch today.

A beautiful garden by the building and the lake is very close.

I gotta come back here with Kaiya.  It'd be nice to have a walk with her around here.

散歩の後 るーしーとマミーは ランチをしに





たくさん花や植物が植えられた公園が横にあって 近くには湖も

すごくきれいなとこだったから 今度はKaiyaさんも一緒連れてこよっと!(^^)

My today's choice is lamb sausages and bulgur with sour cream.
本日は ラムのソーセージとブルグルのサワークリーム添え

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


One of my friends is visiting me from Japan right now and staying with us since Saturday.

We are doing some sightseeing!

土曜から友達が日本から遊びに来ていて ここ数日観光してまぁす!

Golden Hall @City hall

Blue hall @City hall
This is where the Nobel Prize banquet is held.
ノーベル賞の晩餐会が開かれる 市庁舎の青の間(赤煉瓦で青じゃないけどね...www )
今回初めて 市庁舎の中入ったぁ〜!

At open air museum and zoo Skansen.
屋外博物館&動物園スカンセンで ヘラジカ!!!


Well, I'm sorry Kaiya... You are still little down and sick. 

She stayed home with daddy while I was gone :)

Kaiyaさんは まだ不調なので お家でダディとお留守番

Looks like these two had a good time together!

Monday, August 24, 2015


Drottningholm is an islet where the Swedish royal family's residence, Drottningholm Palace, is located.

(Direct translation of "drottningholm" is "queen's islet.")

On this island, there's a huge dog park where everybody can let their dogs run freely.

The dog park is surrounded by water so it looks like a little island on the island :p

This place is very popular among those who love dogs and there were a lot of dogs in the park!

For me, it was the second time coming to Drottningholm, and the first time coming to this dog park.

We came here together with Simba, his mommy and daddy.

However, Kaiya is on heat right now unfortunately...

She didn't go in to the dog park.  

We just took a nice walk around the park while Simba enjoyed playing with other doggies in the park.

Well, baby Kaiya, I promise we will come back here as soon as your heat is over!

今日は Drottningholm(ドロットニングホルム)という島へ行ってきたーーー!!!

Drottinngholmの直訳は 王妃の小島

この島にはDrottingholm  Slott(ドロットニングホルム宮殿)スウェーデンの王族の住居がある

私はここに来るのは2回目だけど ドッグランに来たのは初めて!

このドッグランは柵はなくて 周囲を池的なもので隔離されていて ある意味 島みたいになってた素敵なドッグラン(^^)


残念ながらKaiyaさんはヒート始まったばかりなので 今回は入るのはやめました(^^;)

シンバがドッグランで楽しんでいる間 周辺をお散歩して楽しんだよぉ!

約束するよぉ!ヒート終わったらちゃんとまた連れてきてあげるからねぇ Kaiya!!!

Although she didn't go in the dog park, there were a lot of dogs outside the park.
She got to say hi to some of them:)
ドッグランには入らなかったけど 外にもたくさんワンちゃんたちがいたから

She tried to help this boy to carry that big stick! :p

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Swollen face...

Daddy and I had to leave Kaiya alone at home for a couple of hours this morning.

When I came home, I found something was wrong with her face!!!

I got so scared and worried and Kaiya got scared from my reaction so she hid herself under the bed right away...:p

Damn it!!!!!

I shouldn't have reacted like that.  I should've kept myself cool...

I pretended like we were going for a walk so she would come out and follow me.

Finally! She came out and when I took a close look at her face, yes, it was swollen sooo much!

I just got panicked.  First thing I did was calling daddy.

Daddy sounded panicked on the other end of the line....:p

But he was right outside of the door so he came home in about 5 second after I hang up.

While daddy and I were in chaos, Kaiya was doing the regular greeting to daddy saying "Hey daddy, you are back!! :)"

Anyways, daddy called the animal hospital emergency line and asked about what we should do.

They said it's either a snake bite or bee sting.

We think it was a bee sting.

Since Kaiya loves to chase bugs and try to catch them, we think she got stung by a bee which flew into our bedroom!...we always keep the window opened...

They also said that the swelling would go away in one or two days so we didn't need to come in the hospital.

Thank God!!!!

Hehehe...daddy was almsot crying....:p

今日は私とダディは午前中に用事があったので 2・3時間家を空けて帰ってきたら







まだ帰ってきていないダディにそっこで電話したら 電話先でダディも焦りまくり!(^^;)


2人で焦る中 ・・・Kaiyaさん意外にフツーな感じでいつもの"お帰りダディ!"の仕草(笑)


ダディが電話で聞いたら 腫れているなら 蛇にかまれたか ハチにさされたかのどちらかだろうということ

憶測ですが 虫に興味があってよく捕まえようとするKaiyaさん

家は窓は常に開けっぱだから そこから入ってきたハチにきっとさされたんだろう・・・

ハチにさされたのなら 1・2日で腫れはひくから心配することは無いって!

ふぁ〜 寿命が縮んだぁ〜



Friday, August 21, 2015

The 3rd Vaccination

Yesterday, both daddy and I were free in the afternoon so we all went to town!!

First, we had late lunch.  Wandered a bit.  Then we went to see the vet to have Kaiya's third vaccination.

The first and second vaccinations were giving when she was about 2-3 months.  
We were told to have the third one about a year later.
And it's been already a year!!!
Time flies!

This vaccination was for kennel cough and it wasn't a shot.

It was administered through her nose using a syringe with a special applicator on the end and it didn't take even a second!
It was done before we knew it! lol

昨日はダディも私も午後からフリーだったから みんなで町にくりだしてきたー!

遅いランチをまず食べて ちょっとブラブラしたあと 3回目のワクチン接種を受けに獣医さんのとこに行ってきたよぉ〜ん!


一瞬で終わったから みんなで呆気に取られてしまった(笑)

Steaks and mozzarella sticks for the lunch yesterday!

Yep, you don't get to eat here Kaiya...sorry :(

This morning.

Kaiya met two Scottish terrier boys at the dog park.

At first, she was being cautious and became almost overwhelmed because these two were vigorously running straight to Kaiya.

Well, it took a little while but by the time when we needed to leave, they were playing together nicely!


今朝は 2匹のスコティッシュ・テリアの男の子達と遊んだよ〜

コロコロちょこちょこ2匹で向かってくるから 最初は警戒してたKaiyaだったけど
最後は慣れて フツーに遊んでたぁ〜!(^^)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Every morning...

I go to the bathroom to wash my face right after I wake up in the morning,

When I come back to the bedroom, this girl is always lying down where I was sleeping! lol

She knows that we don't go for the morning walk until I'm done getting ready.

So she sleeps again here while waiting for me.

Super adorable!!!!

毎朝 起きて顔を洗いにバスルームに行って帰ってくると





"Don't just take photos of me! Go get yourself ready!!!"  is what she's saying here :p
"マミー 写真はいいから 早く仕度して!"って言ってると思われます(笑)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Simba joined us!

Yesterday Kaiya, Simba and I took a late afternoon walk together!

Kaiya was little excited at first being in a play mode so I had to calm her down.

Simba usually barks a lot so I did a little correction time to time.

But when we walk on the streets, they nicely walked beside me....was a good pack walk!!




それでも歩くときはちゃんと横歩くし いいパックウォークできたよぉ〜!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Oh yes what a nice weekend!!!

Finally I got a day off on Saturday and we had such a nice weekend!!!

....although it was little too short:P

Kaiya, daddy and I went to a little beach nearby the wood

to teach Kaiya to swim!!!

....but she refused to go in the water!!!!

I lured her with some food.   She came in a little. 

It seemed like she didn't get her whole body to get wet...

It's gonna take a long time to get her really swim....:p

ひっさしぶりの休みで ナイスな週末をすごせたぁ〜!


土曜日はKaiya ダディ 私の3人で森近くの水辺で泳ぐ練習だぁー!!!

って行ったけど Kaiya全然水に入らない!!!

食べ物でつっても 体が浸かるとこまで入ってこなぁい(笑)

Kaiyaさんが泳げるようになるまで 時間がかかりそうだぁ〜(^^;)

I carried her in but she really really didn't want to...
抱っこして入れてみたけど やっぱり嫌だってさぁ〜

Even when she watched those small doggies swimming,
she didn't dare follow them in the water and swim...
こんなに泳ぎの上手な小型2匹を目の前にしても 入りたくないKaiya

On sunday, I had to work from 4pm but we took a long walk in the morning.

Kaiya's run for today!!! ↓

日曜は16時から仕事だったけど 朝は長いお散歩したよぉ〜
