Daddy and I had to leave Kaiya alone at home for a couple of hours this morning.
When I came home, I found something was wrong with her face!!!
I got so scared and worried and Kaiya got scared from my reaction so she hid herself under the bed right away...:p
Damn it!!!!!
I shouldn't have reacted like that. I should've kept myself cool...
I pretended like we were going for a walk so she would come out and follow me.
Finally! She came out and when I took a close look at her face, yes, it was swollen sooo much!
I just got panicked. First thing I did was calling daddy.
Daddy sounded panicked on the other end of the line....:p
But he was right outside of the door so he came home in about 5 second after I hang up.
While daddy and I were in chaos, Kaiya was doing the regular greeting to daddy saying "Hey daddy, you are back!! :)"
Anyways, daddy called the animal hospital emergency line and asked about what we should do.
They said it's either a snake bite or bee sting.
We think it was a bee sting.
Since Kaiya loves to chase bugs and try to catch them, we think she got stung by a bee which flew into our bedroom!...we always keep the window opened...
They also said that the swelling would go away in one or two days so we didn't need to come in the hospital.
Thank God!!!!
Hehehe...daddy was almsot crying....:p
今日は私とダディは午前中に用事があったので 2・3時間家を空けて帰ってきたら
まだ帰ってきていないダディにそっこで電話したら 電話先でダディも焦りまくり!(^^;)
2人で焦る中 ・・・Kaiyaさん意外にフツーな感じでいつもの"お帰りダディ!"の仕草(笑)
ダディが電話で聞いたら 腫れているなら 蛇にかまれたか ハチにさされたかのどちらかだろうということ
憶測ですが 虫に興味があってよく捕まえようとするKaiyaさん
家は窓は常に開けっぱだから そこから入ってきたハチにきっとさされたんだろう・・・
ハチにさされたのなら 1・2日で腫れはひくから心配することは無いって!
ふぁ〜 寿命が縮んだぁ〜
Kaiyaさんの美人の顔が・・・ 早くよくなれ!!! |