Walking walking.
トコトコ トコトコ。
The sun shined bright and it was warm this morning.
Still walking walking.
まだ トコトコ トコトコ。
More walking walking.
まだまだ トコトコ。
Almost there.
Mato |
Kaiya |
There it is!
It's a post office.
Mommy's mom sent a package and we came here to receive it,
マミーのママが荷物を送ってくれて それを受け取りに来たんだ〜。
You know, in Sweden, they don't deliver packages to your place.
If the parcel doesn't fit in your post box, you usually get a notification letter that says you have a package to pick-up.
Then you go to the service point which is indicated on the notification letter and pick up the parcel.
It's really pain in the butt!
It was super easy when I lived in Japan. Parcels are always delivered to your door but not here in Sweden.
We used to have a pickup counter at the nearest grocery store across the street from our apartment.
But they closed the counter a while back so now we have to go long way to this post office to pick up packages...who knows you might get a huge and heavy package and have to walk home all the way with it :(
Though, we took a detour to get here to kill time until they opened since they open late on weekends.
郵便箱に入らない荷物は大抵荷物届いてますよぉっていうお知らせの紙が自宅に届いて その紙を持ってそれに書いてある受け取りサービス場所に取りに行かなきゃいけないの。
前までは家のアパートの道挟んだ向かえのスーパーで荷物受け取りカウンターあったけど ちょっと前にそのサービスやめちゃったから 最近は家から大分離れたとこまで取りに行かなきゃいけなくて本当に不便(-_-)
あっでも今日は郵便局が開く時間が遅かったから 開店時間に合わせて散歩しながら遠回りして行ったから 普段より長く歩いたよぉ。
After we got home from morning walk, I was reading a book on the bench on the balcony. Then I realized someone was sleeping under me. lol
あさんぽから帰って来て バルコニーのベンチで本読んでたら 私の下で寝てる人がいたw
Kaiya |
After a while I moved back inside, then of course, mommy’'s boy finally got in the right place to take a nap ;)
暫くしてから中に移動したら マミーっ子がやっとマミーの横でお昼寝〜(о´∀`о)
Mato |