Monday, July 9, 2018

Weekend is over / 週末終わり〜 Jul. 08

The weekend's over already.

I actually work every single day right now so it doesn't really matter if it's weekend or not but the time goes so fast!!!!!

ひゃぁ〜 あっと言うまに週末終わっちゃったねぇ〜。

毎日働いてるマミーには週末も何もないんだけど でも時が経つのが早かった〜。

This morning it was so nice to be outside with the perfect temperature and nice breeze even though we took a late morning walk since it was before it's gotten hot.

今朝はお天気で まだ暑くなる前だったから 遅めの散歩でも 気持ちが良かった。
Mato (left)               Kaiya (right)

I took the leash off since no one was around in a park but these two were into sniffing and never ran and played.

せっかく誰もいないから 公園でリード外したけど クンクン匂い取りばっかりして走らな〜い。

So here are some close-up photos of them today.

Mato always gives me good shots.

He's got a nice smile again :)

ので 今日はお2人のアップ写真をどぉぞ。




Kaiya, on the other hand, doesn't like getting photos taken.  Every time I point the camera at her, this kinda thing happens. lol

Kaiya君は 写真撮られるの嫌いだから カメラ向けるとこれ。

Or she turns her face away. lol


Finally, I thought I got it, look at her face...😓

Yes, Kaiya.  I stop taking photos and we continue walking.

やっとくれたと思ったら この冷えた視線・・・。

はいはい 写真撮るの終わりにして 散歩再開しますよ😓😭


  1. KAIYAもMATOも、夏の輝く緑をバックに、勇ましく見えるぞ!

    1. ええ顔しとるっしょぉ〜?(・∀・)
