Sunday, July 15, 2018

Oral health / 歯は大事 Jul. 14

When we were at the dog park yesterday, someone came in without saying anything.

Oh shit!  I immediately asked her if her dog was a male or female and it was a girl. Good.

Mato doesn't go well with all the male dogs so if it wasn't a girl, it would've not been nice.

This little sweet one is a 16 years old lady named Milanda.

We actually met them when Kaiya was still a puppy.  But I didn't think the owner remembered.

Anyways, back then, she looked more like an old dog who walked slowly and all.  But she looked totally different dog.

She was energetic.  Since she was small, I thought she was a puppy at first.

Her owner told me that ever since she had her mouth fixed, she became this lively young looking dog.

They assumed that she'd had toothache which caused her to be looked older and act older than her age.

It's really hard to check and tell if dogs have toothache and even cavities.

I'd better check Kaiya and Mato's teeth time to time and notice the little changes in their behavior so I can act soon when something happens.

昨日 ドッグランにいたら何も声をかけずにいきなり入ってくる人がいて やべ〜!って思って "その子は女の子?男の子?" って聞いたら女の子でセーフ。

男の子だったら ちょっと緊張が走るとこだったぜ。Matoくんすんなりうなくいく子とそうじゃない子がいるからねぇ〜。


Kaiyaが子犬の頃に会ったことあるけど 多分向こうは覚えてなかったな。

ってか その頃会った時はだいぶ年の行ったわんちゃんだなった思ったけど 昨日はめちゃめちゃ元気で 小さいから仔犬じゃないの?って思わせるくらい。

飼い主さんが話してくれたんだけど ちょっと前に口の中を治してから急にこんなに元気な子になったんだって。



話ができないから 特に歯が痛いってのは私たちにはわかりにくよなぁ。

毎日の様子をしっかりみて KaiyaとMatoにもしこんなことが起こることがあるなら 早く異変に気づいてあげたいものだ。

I've actually been to the dentist a couple of times lately.  If I went there a lot sooner, it would have not been too much to fix but I waited too long.  It's very important for humans to take good care of their teeth, too ;)


It was extremely hot today!!

I think it hit 30°C.

The sun hits our balcony during the day.  It's too hot to be out there.

My kids always try to find a cool place to lie down.



うちのバルコニーは日中ずっと日にさらされてるから めっちゃ暑くて夜からじゃないといられない。

ので 日中は家の中で涼しい場所を探しては ゴロンしてま〜す。

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