Mini road trip with Simba and his family!
Kaiya doesn't like riding a car but mommy's excited!
シンバとシンバの家族と一緒に プチ車の旅〜!
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Kaiya |
Mato is not a big fan either but mommy didn't have to drive today so we three were in the rear seat having a lot of space for ourselves!
Matoもあんまり車好きじゃないんだけど 今日はマミー運転しなくてよかったから 後部座席を3人でゆうゆうと陣取ったよぉ〜!
Mato |
Looks green enough in the photo but it looked actually more brown because of the dry weather.
写真では緑に見えるけど 景色が大分茶色が多かった〜。雨降ってなくて乾燥しまくってるからねぇ。
Kaiya |
Mato has a special talent. Falling asleep while standing up. lol
Mato |
We stopped after about 2/3 of the way and ate huge burgers!!
2/3くらい来たとこで ちょっと休憩とって 腹ごしらえにでっかいバーガー食ったぁ〜!!
Car ride continues. Mato loves to use my lap as a pillow.
Maybe they knew we were so close...both of them were totally up.
そろそろ着くってのがわかったのかな 2人ともソワソワして来た。
We are here!!!
Mato |
Mato (left) Kaiya (left) |
Our next door's Molly came out!
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Where are you going Molly???
モーリー どこ行くノォ???
Molly sneaked in our house while all the humans were talking. Kaiya and Mato followed her. lol
モリーが人が話している間に家に忍び込んだから KaiyaもMatoも追跡〜。
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