Such a fine day!! Though bit colder than I thought.
今朝は太陽が出て いい天気! だけど 寒い!
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato (front) Kaiya (behind) |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato was curious about the stick Kaiya was playing with. As soon as she was leaving the stick Mato tried to play with it. Then Kaiya turned right a way and intimidated him to claim it's hers... hey hey hey girl, you were the one who got tired of it and was leaving it behind :(
Kaiyaが遊んでた棒が気になって Kaiyaが離れようとした時にMatoが近づいたら Kaiyaが威嚇。・・・オイオイ もう飽きて離れようとしてたじゃん(^^;)
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
But as if she was saying sorry doing so, she started to give kisses to him and Mato kisses her back :)))
だけど 悪いと思ったのか チュッチュ〜。んでもってMatoもチュッチュ〜。
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
She wasn't really 100% giving it up but eventually let Mato have it.
未練がありありだけど 最終的にMatoに譲ったのでした。
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
In the early afternoon, we too a train to take a walk with Arrow!
午後は 電車に乗ってアローと一緒にお散歩しに行って来たよ!
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Arrow loves to sit on Margareta's lap and look outside when he's on the train.
アローは電車に乗るとマルガレータの膝に乗って外の景色を見るのが好きなんだって。 |
We are here!! It's only 4 stops away from our home but totally different scenery which gives extra excitement for the walk!
到着。家から4駅くらいだから そんなに遠くはないんだけど 景色を変えて散歩するのはいいねぇ〜!
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
We went around this lake! I thought it was gonna take a while to go around but it actually didn't.
この湖の周りを一周!時間かかると思ったけど 結構早く一周したんだよぉ〜!
Kaiya |
Mato |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya (front) Mato (behind) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Sunny and beautiful views, such a fun walk! I guess we walked very fast. It took only 40 minutes to go around the lake and come back to the station. Let's go home now!
景色は綺麗だし 太陽が出てるし 楽しい散歩だった! ルンルンだったからペースが早かったのか 湖一周して駅まで戻ってくるのに40分くらいしかたってなかった。それでは帰りますか!
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