They had fun running today!
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Mato |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya |
Kaiya |
Kaiya's quick turning.
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato |
Kaiya |
When we were walking on the narrow side walk...
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya doesn't like to walk next to Mato. :p
Usually one of them walks on one of my sides and the other one on the other.
But here it was too narrow to walk beside me and she knows that she can't get down from the side walk. So nothing could be done but making this face!! lol
大体いつも私の両サイドに2人がいるけど ここは狭いから 車道には降りれないし マミーの横には行けないしで しょうがなくMatoと隣り合わせで この顔www
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato is Mato....doesn't care about it and enjoying the view :)))
Mato |
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