My dad and mom's dog Alex passed away yesterday morning (November 11th) in Japan time.
At the late moment, he was with mom and dad. I'm glad that he wasn't alone.
Dad told me there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky when he passed away.
He must've cross that rainbow to go to the heaven.
日本時間の11月11日の朝に 実家のアレックスが息を引き取りました。
まだ10歳で 早すぎる・・・これからまた日本に行くときに会えるとばっかり思ってたのに。
最期はママとパパのそばにいられたみたいで よかった。
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Alex sleeping peacefully in dad's arms. パパの腕の中で安らかに眠っているアレックス。 |
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Jay saying good bye to Alex. アレックスにお別れするジェイ。 |
When I first met Alex was at a pet shop in Japan.
He was already 8 months old and as big as a full-grown dog....which makes it even harder to find someone who would take him...
When I look at him, he had such sad eyes and I couldn't just leave him there...who knows what would've happen to him if he was left there even longer...
We had just lost a Sheltie girl named Annie, and we welcomed this Sheltie boy Alex to Sakurai family 10 years ago.
誰の目にも止まらなかったらしくもうすでに8ヶ月たっていて アレックスだけ成犬に近い大きさの子。
なんだか悲しい目をしていて いてもたってもいられず家へ連れて行くことにしちゃった私。
He probably didn't have proper daily walk when he was at the pet shop. He was scared of everything. He was too scared to go throw the little alley in order to go to the main road from our house that we had to carry him every time. lol
きっとペットショップにいた頃にはちゃんとお散歩に連れて行ってもらってなかったんじゃないかな とにかく臆病な子で 家の敷地から表へ出る細い路地は最初抱えて行かないと 自分からは歩こうとしなかった〜w
A couple of months later, he had no longer sad eyes. He was smiling with mom ;)
Alex and Dad アレックスとパパ |
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He knows that dad would give him some treats. パパはオヤツくれるから 背筋ピーンでお座り。 |
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That's why he let him do this :p こんなことされても許しちゃうw |
He was such a kind boy and made friends, too.
優しい子に育って 友達もいたよぉ〜。
With Kurobe, my relative's dog. 近所に住む親戚のとこの甲斐犬クロベエ。 |
Though he was sometime too much for Jay, and Jay got mad at him time to time ;p
先住犬のミニピンのジェイには よくちょっかいを出して怒られてたけどね(笑)
Last year, he kindly play with Mato and look at this trio :)
去年はMatoとも一緒に遊んでくれて 甘えん坊男子トリオだったよぉ〜!
2 years ago, my brother and I put fences around the house so that Alex and Jay can freely be in the garden during the day. Every time somebody comes to the house, he friendly welcomed her/him. (That's why he got a lot of treats from everyone and he was little overweight lately. lol)
一昨年に日本に帰国した時に 弟と一緒に実家の敷地の周りをフェンスで囲って 庭全体で自由に遊べるようにしたから 誰かお客さんが入ってくると人懐っこくお出迎えしてくれてたんだよぉ〜。(そのおかげで いろんな人からオヤツをもらって 最近はだいぶ肥えていたらしいw)
去年帰国時は いつも甘えん坊男子トリオと私の4人でお散歩したよぉ〜!
When we went to by the river, I took the leash off but he wasn't like Kaiya and Mato at all who run and run real fast and chase each other. He just walked little faster elegantly ;)
河原に行った時はノーリードにしてあげてたけど KaiyaやMatoみたいに全力疾走するってことはなくて いつも優雅に早歩きな感じのアレックス( ´ ▽ ` )
Last year, in November, when I left Japan, I told him to take care of mom, dad, uncle and Jay and promised to see each other soon. But I didn't think this was gonna be the last time.
去年の11月帰国したときに "ママとパパとおじちゃんとジェイのことよろしくな!またな!" ってお別れして まさかこれが最後になるとは。
I wanted to take a walk on our regular route together again.
Rest in peace Alex. We'll see each other again!
アーちゃん さようなら!!
ReplyDeleteアレックスのことはずーっと忘れないよぉ!!!(/ _ ; )