Last week when Kaiya and Mato first met Nelly, Mato got too excited and Nelly was little scared of him. Everyone was worried that he was gonna be too hard on her.
So we took time to have them greet each other slowly. I tired to make him calm down and corrected him when he was to get excited. After a while it worked, and now they are fine to be around each other :)))
今朝はドッグランにいたら シンバとチワワのネリーがおばあちゃんと一緒にきた〜!
先週初めてネリーに会った時はMatoが興奮しすぎて小さいネリーが危なそうだったから 時間をかけてMatoに注意しながら 慎重に挨拶をさせたんだぁ〜。
ネリーに過保護すぎる周りだったけど リードつけないで挨拶させる方がちゃんと挨拶できるよねぇ〜。
それっからは ネリーに興奮しすぎることなくふつーな感じ(o^^o)
Mato Nelly Kaiya Simba |
Mato really like Simba. Even if he gets growled or barked at by Simba, he just doesn't care. He continues to play bow and wag his tail ;)
そして Matoはシンバが大好き。吠えられても唸られても プレイバウして尻尾フリフリ♪
This is Nelly. She's so small and moves so fast!
これがネリー。めっちゃ小さくて めっちゃ動きが速い!
Everybody loves grandma! .....because she always gives them treats... lol
おばあちゃん 大人気!・・・いつもおやつをくれるからねぇ(¬_¬)笑
Simba Mato Nelly Kaiya |
Someone is coming...
しばらくしたら 向こうから誰かがきた・・・。
Mato Simba Nelly Kaiya |
It's Raiya!!
She's a miniature Schnauzer. She's so much smaller than other miniature Schnauzer that I see in the neighborhood and super cute :)
笑笑笑 新人かい!
Deleteネリーは新人だけど ライヤはそうでもないんだなぁ〜(笑)