Second day in Dalarna on Friday.
Such a nice weather in the morning. We went for a long walk!
朝はいいお天気で みんなで長い散歩へ!
Kaiya Mato |
By the way, the last time when we came here, Kaiya disappeared in the woods for about half an hour and made me worry to death.
I know she would come back eventually but I hate that feeling while I wait. So we were so prepared this time. We bought GPS trackers!
Actually, we didn't need trackers at all though because both Kaiya and Mato behaved very good and listened to us very well ;)
そうそう 前に来た時に30分くらい森の中に消えてマミーを死ぬほど心配させたKaiya。
必ず戻ってくるのはわかってるけど 待ってるこっちは気が気じゃないから 今回は準備万端。GPSトラッカーを購入!
ぶっちゃけ全然必要なく いい子にお散歩できた2人だったけどね( ´ ▽ ` )
We thought Nellie, Simba and his mommy had already left for a walk but they weren't actually. We decided to wait for them here.
先に出たと思ってたシンバたちはご近所さんのとこにいたらしく この辺で待つことに。
Kaiya Mato |
There they come!!
Mato Kaiya |
Simba Mato Kaiya |
Simba Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato Nellie |
Kaiya Mato |
Kaiya Mato |
What a view!!!! I love it here!
やばいね〜 この景色。 最高っす!
Mato Kaiya Simba |
Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
Next door was also here for the weekend. They had a doggy named Mollie. We all said hi :))
お隣のお家もこの週末こっちに来てて モリーっていう7歳のゴールデンレトリバーちゃんも一緒で みんなで挨拶したよぉ〜!
Yep. Kaiya is like this.
She gets curious at first but she wouldn't play with others or stay in the group. Instead she likes to sit in front of me and get petted. Independent girl, I guess..?
最初はちょっと興味があるけど 少ししたら他人に興味ない感じ。私の前にちょこんと座ってナデナデしてもらう方がいいらしい(笑)
Kaiya |
We were outside almost whole day and kids didn't take a nap at all.
I noticed it was very quite in the late evening and I found Mato, Simba, and Kaiya sleeping under the dining table. lol
ほぼ一日中外にいて 昼寝もしなかったから 夜になったらみんなバタンキュー。
静かだと思ったら Mato シンバ Kaiya みんなダイニングテーブルの下で寝てた(笑)
After we moved from the dining room, Mato went to bed before us. ;)))
Mato |
Kaiya was not on the bed but already asleep under the table on the carpet.
Kaiya |
寝る子は育つ だよね~ Kaiya~!! Mato~!! はもっちゃった(^^;)
そそそ。寝る子は育つ! マミーもいっぱい寝て 育とう!