It's a boat located northern part of Södermalm island in Stockholm. It's a restaurant and also becomes a night club.
先月5月にはダディ、ケイおじさん、ケイの兄のサミの誕生日があったので 急だったけど金曜の夜はみんなでディナーに行って来きた〜!!!
レストラン パトリシア。
Thanks to daddy who's not really good at leading a way to places, we somehow took a detour and were late... :( Though the view was marvellous when we walked along the water.
いつものダディのいい加減な道案内で だいぶ遠回りをして遅れて到着しちゃったけど いい景色を見ながら少しお散歩できた。
I think it's Gamla stan, old town, on the right hand side. 右手側は多分旧市街のGamla Stan(ガムラスタン)かな。 |
Finally, we are here!! We had a nice view from inside, too!
Hmmm...what should I order... :))
さてさて 何にしようかなぁ〜・・・。
I decided to have a lobster soup for the appetizer.
It was good but little too salty... this is one of the things I can't get used to...too salty Swedish food. If you are traveling to Sweden, do not get too surprised that the food you ordered was too salty. That happens a lot.
前菜はこれ ロブスターのスープにして見た!
美味しかったけど 残念だったのはちょっと塩っけが強すぎ・・・スウェーデンだから想定内だけど しょっぱすぎるスウェーデン料理はやっぱり慣れない。
Daddy ordered a starter called Bang Bang Shrimp. Deep fried giant shrimps with Bang sauce. This was pretty good!
One of the friends ordered this Toast Skagen. One of the classic Swedish dish with prawns mixed with mayonnaise, dill and seasoning, on toast. I got a bite and it was sooo delicious!
こっちは友達が選んだ トースト・スカーゲン。エビのディルマヨ和えにカリカリトースト。これはスウェーデンを代表する料理だね。ここのはめっちゃうまかったぁ〜。
I got a swordfish with pesto for the main course.
I could've used little more sauce but I had a really good fish dish :))))
It was a huge piece and even I who usually eat a lot could not finish it.
ソースめっちゃ少なかったけど 久しぶりに美味しい魚がたべれたぜい!
これまたでっかくて 大食いの私でも全部食べれなかった。
This one is daddy's main course Surf and Turf. Basically it's a combination of a piece of tenderloin steak with 3 different sauces and the Bang Bang Shrimp.
Daddy loves shrimps and couldn't get enough of it from the starter. lol
We were sooooo full and suffering from the stuffed stomach but we couldn't say no to the desert. lol
Well, we didn't think we could each have a desert and finish it so we, a company of six, ordered 3 different deserts to share.
From the left side in the photo, Apple pie, Banna boat, Tiramisu.
It's little hard to tell but these were humongous deserts.
I thought they were too much for us, six people.
But no worries. Even though we said we were too full, our spoons never stopped digging ;p
The best one was apple pie and I so loved it!!!!
Either daddy or I usually work late on Fridays that we almost never go out on Friday evening but
this week it became delightful unusual evening with good friends and good food :)
みんなであんなに 腹一杯で苦し〜 って嘆いてたのに デザートは絶対です(笑)
左からアップルパイ バナナボート ティラミス。
ってちょっとわかりにくいけど デザートがバカでかい!!
普通の店なら あのティラミス1/4が1人前で出てくるぜ。
お腹いっぱいって言いながら みんなのスプーンがデザートめがけてすすむすすむ(笑)
普段金曜は仕事だったりで なかなか出かけたりできないけど いい友達と美味しい料理を楽しんで 楽しい金曜の夜だったぁ〜!
While Mommy and Daddy were out having dinner, Kaiya and Mato were bing a good girl and a good boy at home. We took a nice and long night walk after we came home.
とまぁ マミーとダディだけ美味しいもの食べて楽しんじゃったけど KaiyaとMatoはちゃんとお留守番しててくれましたぁ〜。お家帰ってきてから 長めの夜散歩したもんねぇ〜。
Photos are from the morning walk.
Kaiya always become a guard watching the surroundings at the dog park.
ドッグランでは Kaiyaはいつも見張り番。
Kaiya |
Mato walks around and sniffing and eating grass.
Matoはいつもちょこちょこ歩き回って匂いを嗅いだり 草を食べたり。
Mato |
It wasn't that warm but a fine morning :)
そんなに暖かくはなかったけど 天気が良くて気持ちのいい朝だったぁ〜。
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |