Surprisingly warm in the morning. It was already over 10°C when I woke up early.
I didn't go back to sleep. Why don't we go to the woods!! ;)))
今朝は早い時間なのに10度こえてて びっくり。
朝から暖かいから そっこで森へお散歩へ!
Wait guys...and Come!!!
Mato Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Hey hey hey! You are passing me...
Good girl, Kaiya. She U-turned and came to me ;)
えらい!Kaiya Uターンして戻ってきた(*≧∀≦*)
Mato |
I'm pretty much sure they gonna start it!
Mato Kaiya |
Here they go!
Kaiya Mato |
Kaiya Mato |
Kaiya Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya |
It was sooo nice in the morning but it became cloudy later.
The clouds covered the whole sky and the sun never showed up later on.
We were lucky coming to the woods in the morning in the nice weather :))
朝はこんなに晴れてたのに 昼から雲が空を覆ってずーっと曇りの日でした。
朝森にお散歩行っといて ラッキー!
Kaiya Mato |
ほっほっほっ!! 狙った獲物は...Kaiyaがいただく!!