I thought I was more tired than usual. And I think it's because of the damp air.
It rained this morning then it stopped in the afternoon but heavy clouds were covering the sky the rest of the day.
I came home from work and didn't feel like going out to gym and do some workout...instead just stayed at home doing my project to make a tipi for Kaiya and Mato.
When I looked back, Mato was taking a nap right behind me :)))
This boy is so cute!
今日はなんだか 珍しく湿気の多い日だったぁ。
朝から雨が降って 午後には止んだけど 空気も空もさっぱりしない感じ。
こんな天気だとやる気も出ないし なんだか疲労感が・・・。
仕事終わってから ジムにも行かず家に引きこもってKaiyaとMatoの為に犬用ティピー作り。
ふと振り返ると 真後ろで Matoがビーンバッグの上でお昼寝(o^^o)
Mato |
After a little while later, I looked back again...there's one more in my sight. lol
Mato is such a mommy's boy and he always stays by my side or just a couple of feet away from me.
Kaiya's little different. She's an independent woman and keeps certain distance. lol
Though she's mostly in the same room where I can see her. ;p
Matoはマミーっ子で いつでもマミーの側にいるけど Kaiyaは自立した女感たっぷりで いつも離れた所に(笑)
それでも 大抵は目に入る距離にはいるんだけどね(^ ^)
Mato Kaiya |
お忙しいマミーを 見守るのが僕の役目だぜ Mato!!
ReplyDeleteお忙しいマミーの おジャマにならないのが Kaiyaで~す!!
そか そか。 2人とも偉いぞ!