I thought it would be nice for Kaiya and Mato to go to the park on the hill to run and play.
But instead of running, these two were sniffing around and eating something they found...
Mommy got so pissed because they didn't listen and kept doing it.
That's why the plan changed immediately...we took off from the park and did a long walk instead.
Other than the part they got me angry, we had a nice walk in the cloudy but warm weather ;)
今朝は走りたいかなって思って高台の公園に行ったんだけど このヒトタチ拾い食いばっかりして 頭に来たマミーはそっこで公園を出る事にして長い散歩に変更したぜ。
曇りだったけど 気温が低くなかったから 気持ちいい散歩ができたぁ〜!
Kaiya |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Kaiya |
Mato |
Daddy had a day off and his friends, including Kaiya's favorite uncle Kay, came to our home. Today was the so-called Guys' day. It's the day these four get together and play games whole day long. lol
Mommy, on the other hand, had to work this evening.
Have a good one, you guys :)))
行ってきまぁす! みんなにいっぱい遊んでもらいなよぉ〜!
ぽっぽっぽっ... Mato君、鳩見なかった... 見なかったよKaiya~!!