Raining whole day....:(
We couldn't go for a long walk as we usually do in the afternoon,
took a quick walk while the rain wasn't pouring.
いつもの長い散歩には行けず 雨が軽い時にちょっと散歩
She's got still a lot of energy left that needed to be release.
We played with toys together.
It's been a while...she never plays with toys any more.
First、tug of war!!
元気有り余ってるから 久しぶりにお家でおもちゃであそんだよぉ〜
まずは 引っ張りっこ!
悪い顔してるなぁ〜(笑) |
Next, chew on the squeaking toy
You know what! I really thank you girl!!!....I gotta vacuum later...:(
ありがとぉ 大分散らかしてくれたね・・・(笑)
Found a small bone piece
お次は ちっさい骨みつけてカミカミ
Moving on to this one
今度は このおもちゃ〜
She got bored!!! lol
あっ 飽きた!(笑)
Ok, tug o' war again!
じゃ これで 引っ張りっこ!
Ahahahaha, got bored again already!
あっっ! また飽きた!!
Yep, doing one thing for a long time is not Kaiya's thing...
Kaiya 飽きっぽいなぁ〜(^^;)
おもちゃ買ってもらってありがとう KAIYA~!!