Night walk! Let's go get daddy at the station too!
今夜は散歩がてら ダディを迎えに行ったよぉ〜
Waiting for daddy
He called when we were waiting saying that
he was into whatever he was doing with his phone and he missed his stop.
He actually went one station away so he had to take another train back. lol
携帯でなんかしてて夢中になってたら 乗り過ごしたらしく
And there was another happening after this...
Kaiya needed little more walk since she hadn't pooed yet.
I went home first and daddy walked her.
A little while later, he called me...
"Kaiya went after the rabbit and I can't find her!"
He sounded like he was about to cry and I got worried.
I knew that she would come back but I decided to go out to look for her.
When I was about to reach the park we always go to, I got a call from daddy again.
I thought he would say he'd found her but he said,"Can you bring my bike?"
He'd been running non-stop as fast as he could all this time but he still hadn't found her yet.
As soon as he asked me about the bike, I heard Kaiya.
I went into the park and she just came running into my sight.
"I found her! We are in the park!" I hang up the phone then
"Kaiya, wait and sit!"
I got you now Kaiya!
Couple minutes later daddy joyed us at the park looking all exhausted.
He was like "I ran too fast too much and I wanna puke..." LOL
Good work daddy. Let's take a good rest tonight :)
そして この後事件が・・・
まだKaiyaさん うんちが済んでなかったから
私は先に帰って ダディがKaiyaともうすこし散歩しに
ダディ泣きそうな声で "Kaiyaがうさぎ追っかけて消えた!"
戻ってくるとは思ったけど 心配になったから私も外へ
見つかったのかと思ったら "自転車もってきて!自転車乗ってさがす!"
って言われた瞬間 Kaiyaの声が・・・
公園に入ってみると ぴょんっとKaiyaが目の前に現れた(笑)
"Kaiya! Wait & Sit!"
ダディ おつっ!(^^;)