Sunday, May 31, 2015

Happy birthday Daddy!

Today, May 30th, is daddy's birthday!!!

Unfortunately the weather wasn't pleasant...heavy rain and we got stuck at home,

couldn't go anywhere to have fun to celebrate...

In addition, daddy and I had to work in the evening...:(

At  least a family picture!....Hey Kaiya, smile!!

本日 5月30日はダディの誕生日!

ハッピーバースデー ダディ!!!

と こんな日に お外は土砂降り

外に出られなくて ずーっとお家でのほほーん


まぁ 夕方からダディも私も仕事だったしね・・・

とりあえず 写真でも撮っておきますか〜


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Synchronized two

We met Simba at the dog park this morning!

Kaiya and Simba played a little while and then they started to do exactly the same thing...

今朝は ドッグランでシンバに会ったよぉ〜

暫くじゃれて遊んだあと この2人おもしろいくらい 同じことをするのだ

Looking towards the same direction and observing something.


Turned to the other direction


Sniffing something


Started to eat the grass.


Into eating the grass...

まだまだ むしゃむしゃ・・・

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What Kaiya does on the walks

This morning, found a ball in the park.

She loves to play with a ball 

and never wanted to stop playing even mommy was in a hurry to go to work...:p

〜Kaiya が散歩中にすること〜

今朝 公園で置き去りにされてたボールを発見



だけど そんなことはおかまいなしにボール遊びをやめたがらない(笑)

Afternoon walk with daddy, running in the woods.

Surprisingly daddy took Kaiya to the woods today while I was at work!

She ran a lot and got her exercise done!

午後の散歩 森で走る


いつものことながらいっぱい走って 今日もいい運動ができたね!

Evening walk with me.

Something was bugging her and thinking if she wanted to jump up there or not :)




Eating grass.

She does this a lot lately.

Now it's got warm, all the plants got grown so much.

She needs some fresh green in her diet :)



暖かくなって 緑が増えたからね


Found something???

She usually jumps over  but she stood there today....I wonder what she was watching...




Picks up some wood piece which is way too big for her mouth.


We did more than an hour evening walk but she was still energetic.

This is, I think, her way of saying "Play with me, mommy!".

...I took out her toys and played together eventually.


この格好は 多分 遊んでほしいサイン


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What a night for daddy...

Night walk! Let's go get daddy at the station too!

今夜は散歩がてら ダディを迎えに行ったよぉ〜

Waiting for daddy

He called when we were waiting saying that 

he was into whatever he was doing with his phone and he missed his stop.  

He actually went one station away so he had to take another train back. lol



携帯でなんかしてて夢中になってたら 乗り過ごしたらしく




And there was another happening after this...

Kaiya needed little more walk since she hadn't pooed yet.

I went home first and daddy walked her.

A little while later, he called me...

"Kaiya went after the rabbit and I can't find her!"

He sounded like he was about to cry and I got worried.

I knew that she would come back but I decided to go out to look for her.

When I was about to reach the park we always go to, I got a call from daddy again.

I thought he would say he'd found her but he said,"Can you bring my bike?"

He'd been running non-stop as fast as he could all this time but he still hadn't found her yet.

As soon as he asked me about the bike, I heard Kaiya.

I went into the park and she just came running into my sight.

"I found her! We are in the park!" I hang up the phone then

"Kaiya, wait and sit!"

I got you now Kaiya!

Couple minutes later daddy joyed us at the park looking all exhausted.  

He was like "I ran too fast too much and I wanna puke..." LOL

Good work daddy.  Let's take a good rest tonight :)

そして この後事件が・・・

まだKaiyaさん うんちが済んでなかったから

私は先に帰って ダディがKaiyaともうすこし散歩しに


ダディ泣きそうな声で "Kaiyaがうさぎ追っかけて消えた!"

戻ってくるとは思ったけど 心配になったから私も外へ


見つかったのかと思ったら "自転車もってきて!自転車乗ってさがす!"

って言われた瞬間 Kaiyaの声が・・・

公園に入ってみると ぴょんっとKaiyaが目の前に現れた(笑)


"Kaiya! Wait & Sit!"





ダディ おつっ!(^^;)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Naturally healed already!

Kaiya's tummy is better now!

This morning she actually woke us up very early 

whining that she wanted to go out to do her business.

Daddy got up and took her out right a way and she still had the runs :(

But this evening when I took her out for a walk, 

her poo was back to normal but little softer :)

Kaiyaさん 驚異的な自然治癒力で お腹の具合もうよくなりましたぁ!




でも 夕方 私と散歩した時には 少し柔らかめの普通の便に戻ってた〜!

よしよし 明日には完全に普通に戻るかなぁ〜

On that evening walk, Kaiya made a new friend!

A 8 month-old French bulldog, Loki.

He was such a adorable little puppy.

He tried sooo hard running after Kaiya but she was too fast for him.

He was totally out of his breath and all the sudden he sit down to take a break :)

と そんな夕方の散歩のときに新しい友達ができたよぉ


走って遊んでたけど ロキ君 Kaiyaの走りにいっぱいいっぱいで




Monday, May 25, 2015

Uncle Kay loves Kaiya!

Kaiya's tummy wasn't in a good condition today....she had the runs :(

Hmm....I can't think of any reason 'cause she's been eating the same food as usual.

She might have picked up something and eaten it 

when I wasn't watching her yesterday on the walk.

We'll wait and see how it goes tomorrow.

 And I'll try to give her fiber-rich food.





様子みながら 繊維のあるものを食べさせてみよう

Daddy's best friend, uncle Kay's finally back from Thailand and came to visit!

Uncle Kay looooooves Kaiya soooooo much!!!

I think he was happier to see Kaiya than Kaiya was to see him.  lol

Of course, Kaiya loves uncle Kay, too :)

そしてそして ダディの親友ケイおじさんもやっとタイから帰ってきて



多分 ケイのKaiyaに会ううれしさの方が


もちろんもちろん Kaiyaもケイおじさん 大好きだねぇ〜(^^)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Perfect day!

I was off and daddy had to work today.

We went out little early before daddy had to go and walked for an hour together!

今日は ダディ仕事で 私は仕事休み


She picked up something again...


"Look look! I got this!!" lol

You look ridiculous!!! xD

"見てみて〜 これ拾ったぁ〜!!" (笑)

Kaiya 顔おもしろいよぉ〜www

Soooo sunny and blinding the eyes!

天気よくて まぶちいっす!

Here's a big and nice space for you to run, Kaiya!

Go run now!



It's time for daddy to go so he took subway from the closest station.

Well, I guess we continue wandering around and go home, huh!?

We found a wood where we've never been to.

This place's nice.  I like it.

Kaiya liked it too and ran around a lot! 





Kaiyaも気に入ったらしい 走り回ってたぁ〜

We passed by the usual wood on the way home,


Flying Kaiya again! :)

あっ 浮いた

It was warm and sunny, very nice day.

Many boats were out on the lake.

Kaiya's watching them curiously.

いいお天気だから けっこーボートが出てたぁ

気になるらしく ガン見してるねぇ〜(^^)


After saying bye bye to daddy, we walked for about 2 hours.

Eventually we took a walk for 3 hours in total.

Pretty good exercise in this sunny and warm lovely weather.

Perfect day!



天気もよかったし いい運動できたし 満足じゃぁ〜!

Hurry Up the Stairs!

I had to work longer hours than usual today and got home around 5pm.
Daddy works from today so Kaiya had to be alone at home a little bit.
When I got home, she was so happy that she was whining and licking all over my face like she was home alone for hours.
Oh come to think of it, she hadn't seen me since this morning so I guess she was that happy too see me :*

ダディも今日から仕事始まったから ちょっとの間だったけど
私が家に帰ったら すんっごい長い時間お留守番したみたいな喜び方(^^;)

So we came out to take a walk right away.

I let her go at the park like space.

ってことで そっこで散歩〜


Happy running!


"NO!!!"  I told her when she was about to go down the stairs.

She was chasing a bird so my voice didn't reach her, I guess, so she went down.

I yelled at her to come back then she hurried to come up the stairs.

"ダメ!!"って言ったのに 鳥追っかけて階段の下に降りちゃったよぉ〜

怒鳴って呼び戻して めちゃめちゃ急いで階段駆け上ってくるKaiya

But she passed by me and kept running...

I don't know whether she was still excited from chasing the bird 

or she knew that she would get scolded...but she seemed not wanting to come close to me :(

そしてそのまま走り続けて 私のそばに来ない

まだ鳥追っかけてたから興奮してるのか 怒られるのが分かって近寄らないのか・・・

And she was almost going down again.

"Stop!!!! Sit!!!"

Finally, she listened.  Good girl, Kaiya.

Now I gotta put you on the leash.  Down there is too close to the streets and a lot of traffic.

そしてまた階段とこに来たから "Stop!!!! Sit!!!"



下は道路が近いからな ここからはリード付けるぞぉ〜!