Monday, September 16, 2019

Little garden / 小さい庭 Sep. 16

It seemed like it rained last night.  It was blowing a lot this morning.

夜雨が降ったんだねぇ〜 今日は地面が濡れてて 風の強い朝だったよ。

I totally forgot about it, but there was this nice space on the premises of our apartment.
The kindergarten on the first floor usually occupies this place.  That's why we don't usually come close to this place, but since it's Sunday, no one is here!  Little play time for my kids ;))

すっかり忘れてたけど うちのアパートの敷地内にこんなとこあったんだった。

平日は一階に入ってる保育園が大半を使ってるから 近寄らないけど週末は誰もいないから 今日はちょいとここで追いかけっこ(^_−)


  1. Hi! I’ve read this blog since Mato came to you.
    Mr,Arizumi always wrote about you. I was encouraged by him many times.
    I also have Kaiken. Her name is Kuro, because she is all black.
    Sorry for my poor English. I guess it’s strange. I haven’t written English for a long time, but I just wanted to say thank you for many great pictures and heartwarming stories!

    1. Hey! Thanks for your comment :) I'm happy to hear that you've been visiting my blog :))) Mr. Arisumi was a kind and warm-hearted man! It's nice to get to know someone who knew him ;) Oh wait, are you the same Kuron from Twitter??
