Sunny and warm. What a nice day it was :))
We went to the park on the hill this morning.
Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya |
Mato |
At first, they sniffed around and checking the place. Then their chasing game started.
ちょいとウロチョロしてから 追いかけっこ始まったぁ〜!
Mato |
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
After that, they started to do their usual favorite stuff.
Mato's thing is to chew on sticks with this satisfied face. lol
追いかけっこのあとは 自分たちの好きなことをし始めるヒトタチ。
Matoは "たまらんっ!" って顔で棒をカミカミ。
Mato |
Mato |
Mato |
Mato |
He always makes funny faces but he can also look handsome in a photo sometimes ;p
笑いを呼ぶいい顔をいつも提供してくれるけど 目を開けてハンサムな顔もたまにはできるぜ( ̄+ー ̄)
Mato |
Kaiya does this everywhere...rolling rolling rolling... ;)
Kaiyaはどこでも ゴロゴロ ゴロゴロ〜(笑)
Kaiya |
Kaiya |
She gave me the "do-not-take-photos" face... Ok, ok, sorry Kaiya!
写真撮んなよって感じで 睨まれちまった・・・はい すんませ〜ん( ̄∇ ̄)
Kaiya |
And next second, she's ready to hunt down Mato. ;p
そして ゴロゴロからの・・・狩りモード。標的はMato。
Kaiya |
Their chasing game is on again!
Mato Kaiya |
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
Mommy's in the middle of doing the laundry. We'd better get going now!
お洗濯の途中だから そろそろ帰るよぉ〜!
Kaiya Mato |