Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunny and warm Sunday / 暖かい晴れの日曜日 Apr. 30

Sunny and warm.  What a nice day it was :))

We went to the park on the hill this morning.

今日は天気もいいし暖かいしで 最高だぁ〜!



Mato                  Kaiya



At first, they sniffed around and checking the place.  Then their chasing game started.

ちょいとウロチョロしてから 追いかけっこ始まったぁ〜!


                                                                Mato                         Kaiya

Kaiya                                                       Mato                         

After that, they started to do their usual favorite stuff.

Mato's thing is to chew on sticks with this satisfied face. lol

追いかけっこのあとは 自分たちの好きなことをし始めるヒトタチ。

Matoは "たまらんっ!" って顔で棒をカミカミ。





He always makes funny faces but he can also look handsome in a photo sometimes ;p

笑いを呼ぶいい顔をいつも提供してくれるけど 目を開けてハンサムな顔もたまにはできるぜ( ̄+ー ̄)


Kaiya does this everywhere...rolling rolling rolling... ;)

Kaiyaはどこでも ゴロゴロ ゴロゴロ〜(笑)



She gave me the "do-not-take-photos" face... Ok, ok, sorry Kaiya!

写真撮んなよって感じで 睨まれちまった・・・はい すんませ〜ん( ̄∇ ̄)


And next second, she's ready to hunt down Mato. ;p

そして ゴロゴロからの・・・狩りモード。標的はMato。


Their chasing game is on again!


Mato    Kaiya

Mato                                         Kaiya


Kaiya                                               Mato

Mommy's in the middle of doing the laundry.  We'd better get going now!

お洗濯の途中だから そろそろ帰るよぉ〜!

Kaiya                                      Mato

He learned well / 成長したなぁ〜 Apr. 29

Afternoon walk yesterday.

Bit chilly when the wind blew but basically it was sunny and felt so good :)))

I took them to the park on the hill.


風は冷たかったけど 太陽が出てて気持ちのいい日。




Mato                   Kaiya

Mato          Kaiya

It seemed like it started!



                    Mato    Kaiya

But their chasing didn't last that long.


Mato's become such a good boy.

He's waiting in front of the stairs in this photo because he's done with this park and wants to go further.

When he was much smaller, he once went down the stairs by himself running and got real close to the street... my heart almost stopped when that happened.

He learned well and now he knows that he can't go down by himself and has to wait for me there :)))


もう先に行きたいらしくて ちゃんと階段の前で待ってる。

前に 気づいたら階段を1人で降りてて爆走して道路に出そうなことがあって マミーの心臓を止まらせるとこだったけど 今はちゃんとここを1人で降りてはダメってことがわかってて 降りないで私を待ってる(o^^o)

良い子じゃ( ^ω^ )

I wasn't planing to go but since both Kaiya and Mato were being such good kids, I decided to go to the pet supply store Zoo.

We bought some treats and of course, they got some treats from the cashier girl as usual :)

Both were so happy and look at Mato's smile ;p

2人とも良い子だから 行く予定はなかったけどペットサプライショップのZooにこのあと行ってきましたぁ〜。

ちょいとおやつを買って レジでいつものようにお姉さんにおやつをもらってルンルンな2人。


It was too nice outside to go home right a way.  I lay down on a bench to take a nap in the sun.

Kaiya was whole the time by my side guarding me since I was too vulnerable ;p

Thanks Kaiya!

太陽が気持ちよかったから 直帰しないでベンチにゴロンして日光浴しながらちょいと休憩〜。

そんな隙だらけのマミーの横でKaiyaさんはあたりを見回してボディーガード( ̄ー ̄ )


Thursday, April 27, 2017

10 months old / 10ヶ月 Apr. 27

I forgot about it but Mato became 10 months old on 25th!

Now he weighs 13kg but the height is the same as the last month 48cm.

The weight hasn't change that much, either.  I guess he's almost stopped growing.

うっかりしてたけど 25日にMato10ヶ月になりましたぁ〜!

今日体重測ったら 13kg で 体高は先月と変わらず48cm。

体重もそんなに変わってないから もう成長止まったのかなぁ?

Last night and tonight, Mato and I went for running.

We did 5 km yesterday and about 6km today.

Mato's still very young and has lots of energy so I decided to do extra exercise for him to release that energy.

It's very hard to run with Kaiya because she stops many times.  

Mato, on the other hand, can keep running about the same speed all the time so that I can also get a nice running exercise done :)))

昨日と今日って 夜にMatoと少し走ってます!

昨日は5kmくらいで 今日は6kmくらいだったかな。

Mato若いしエナジーいっぱいだから 少し走り込み〜。

Kaiyaはよく止まるからランニング一緒には難しいけど Matoはだいたい一定のスピードで走ってくれるから一緒にいい運動ができる。

When we came home from running, we bumped into Kaiya and daddy who were about to go take a night walk at the apartment's main entrance.

We were still energetic and decided to follow them :)

ランニング終えて アパート着いたらKaiyaとダディが夜の散歩にちょうど出てきたから そのまま一緒にお散歩〜。


Mato                                                                        Kaiya

Mato                                     Kaiya

After I came out from bathroom taking shower, somebody was on the bed all alone sleeping :)))

I guess running did make him tired.

Good night little boy! ...wait, that's where I sleep.  Where am I gonna sleep then??? ;p

シャワー浴びてバスルームから出てきたら ベッドの上で1人寝てるヒトが・・・。


おやすみ〜!・・・って おい。マミーの寝るとこないじゃん!(笑)

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sleet / みぞれ Apr.25

I've had it enough!!!  Sleety rain sometimes snow...whole day long... :(((

I'm getting little worried that it's gonna be a cold summer this year.

今日はねぇ一日中 みぞれ 雨 時々 雪だったんだよぉ〜(;ω;)

もう 本当にこの天気の悪さ 勘弁してくれよぉ〜(つД`)ノ

Our morning walk was in the snow falling cold weather.

My two blackies got snow on their bodies giving them extra patterns on the coat :p


雪が黒い体について 白ごまがいっぱいついてるみたいな2人です( ̄∇ ̄)

Mato                       Kaiya

Mato                                                                   Kaiya



                Kaiya               Mato



Monday, April 24, 2017

Sakura in the neighborhood / 近所のサクラ Apr. 24

Nice weather again!

Actually it rained in the evening but it was perfect in the morning.

I didn't have to work early today so we took a long walk in the morning!


夕方から雨が降ったけど 朝はパーフェクト。

今日は夕方から仕事だったから 朝はちょいと長い散歩へ。

Mato                               Kaiya 

Cherry blossom in our neighborhood is blooming now:)))

Hmmm....very photogenic, you guys!

Look at their smug faces.  Smile you two!!!


そして なんだろう・・・この2人の このドヤ顔・・・。


Mato                                                   Kaiya

Kaiya who knew we were close to the woods didn't wanna go home unless we went to the woods first.  Well, I wasn't in a hurry anyways.  Why not, right?

いつもの森の近くまできてることがわかってるKaiyaさん 森に行かないと帰らないと言うので 寄ってきました。

Kaiya        Mato

Kaiya                           Mato

Mato            Kaiya        

Kaiya                                     Mato


Kaiya                                                                                          Mato

Mato                Kaiya

Mato                                                                        Kaiya

They definitely had fun running in the woods.

Time to drink water and running straight down to the lake ;)

走って遊んで そのまま湖までゴー!

Kaiya                          Mato






Kaiya                                                 Mato

Unfortunately mommy got super hungry and we had to go home right a way after this although these two wanted to stay here little longer ;p

めちゃめちゃお腹が空いたマミーが帰りたがったので しょうがなくマミーについて帰路についた2人でした〜。