Had a long walk in the late afternoon today!
Daddy's finally went back to work after 3 weeks of vacation.
We went to say hi to daddy at work first
then from there we walked home taking about 2 hours :)
The sun was out and it was finally getting warm at first.
Though about after the half way, thick clouds covered the sun
and it got so chilly that I had to put a jacket on myself.
Surprisingly Kaiya was in the good mood walking a lot faster than usual
...she usually sniffs intensely, and our walk doesn't get fast enough to go around as I plan.
I guess she was enjoying the sun, too :)
そのうち厚い雲に覆われて 涼しくなって途中でジャケットを羽織る羽目に。
Kaiyaさんは なんだか今日はいい気分だったらしく
This is where we usually bump into some rabbits. I'm crossing the fingers... こ・ここは!! いつもウサギが出るとこだ・・・ |
"Hello? Is any bunny home?" "もしも〜し、ウサギさんいますかぁ?" |
Oops, it's a pigeon... Don't you pull the lead, girl! "あっ。ハト。" リード引っ張ったらダメよ。 |
We went through the zoo like park. Hello, goats:) "ヤギさん、どうもぉ〜。" |
Hey Eeyores! "お馬さんも どうもどうも。" |
She does this suddenly... lol 急にゴロリン。 |
She likes the water but doesn't like to swim. 泳がないけど 水は好き。 |
Jumping off from the tree. Looks cool. But she was sliding down before she jumped :p テイヤッ!! 華麗にジャンプ。 途中ずり落ちてたけどね(笑) |
This tree is not straight up but still has the sharp angle, doesn't it? 斜めってる木だけど、結構角度あるっしょ? |
Continues searching for small animals... そしてまだまだ小動物探しは続く・・・ |
She likes to get her paws wet :) 手足を水につけるのは好き。 |
And when we are almost home, she starts to take a break suddenly. なぜか急に休憩を始めるヒト。 |
It was a good walk. Take a good rest! お疲れちゃぁん!ゆっくり休めぇ〜! |
...I'm not sure if that's comfy or not... Why is one of your legs are up in the air? lol 片足あげなから寝るなんて器用だね(^^;) 寝てる時の足ぐせ悪いのもマミーに似たね・・・(¬_¬) |
KAIYA、ジャンプお見事! またすぐリスさんに会えるかな?
ReplyDeleteかっこいいッショォ〜? また会えるといいねぇ〜。したら次は最後まで登っちゃうかな?(笑)
Deleteいや~マミー リスの木登り楽しかったよ またよろしく Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteいやいや そっちもまたよろしく!木登りもっと見たかったよぉ〜! Kaiya〜!!