Both daddy and I had a day off today!
Daddy was, of course, asleep when we woke up.
Kaiya and I left daddy home and went out for the morning walk!
It was raining and little bit and sometimes stopped...
what the hack, we wanted to do a long walk.
Eventually we came to the woods :)
朝寝坊のダディを置いて マミーといつもより長く朝の散歩へ!
また パラパラ降ったり止んだりの雨の中
結局 森まで行ってきちゃったぁ〜
Looks like she's saying,
"Look, mommy! There are many flowers!"
The woods got more colors than last time we came!
確かに 花もいっぱい咲いてるし 緑も増えたねぇ
Can't resist coming by the water! やっぱり水際は欠かせない! |
Successfully got something out of the water! 今日も枝の引き上げ成功。 |
The sun came out and finally the rain is over for real! 太陽出てきていい天気になってきたぁ! |
That guy on the bike's puffy rain poncho got Kaiya curious and she started to follow him :p 雨合羽が膨れて走る自転車がきになるらしく 追跡開始! |
...yep, again... This is her saying that she's not ready to go home yet. "Please come down now. We are going home!" 帰りたくない病。 "いやいや もう帰るんで 降りてきてください" |
A nap after breakfast.
Very interesting choice of spot to take a nap.
Isn't it too bright??
朝ごはんも食べて ゆっくりお昼寝〜
After the long nap, we all went out together!
Walked to the shopping center near by.
Daddy and I were soooo hungry and had to eat first.
Our late lunch was this kebab plate :)
We just ate without talking since we were too hungry,
and both plates became all empty ;)
お昼寝終わったら みんなで散歩がてらお出かけ。
まず腹ごしらで 遅いランチ。
Kaiya was being a good girl waiting while we ate. 私たちが食べている間はちゃんといい子に 待ってたKaiyaさん。 |
After doing some shopping, we went back to take a walk for Kaiya.
I noticed she's more excited when both daddy and I walked with her.
She walked faster than usual ;)
買い物も終わって 散歩再開!
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Kaiya likes bikes. She actually runs along with me riding the bike. 自転車が好きなKaiyaさん。 一緒にちょっと走ったりしたよん! |
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"Let's jump together!" "さっ、一緒にジャンプしようぜ!" |
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"Hey! You're supposed to do the same!" "って、おい!見てるだけかいっ!" |
I made her wait at the bottom of the stairs. Then I gave her OK sign. 待て。からのオッケー合図で |
Super fast getting up the stairs. 高速階段駆け上がり〜 |
And it's that quiet park up on the hill! She was happy running here! 上がった先はいつもの丘の上の静かな公園! ちょっと走り回ってきたよん! |
ばあちゃん良かったです 遠くにいるアンナに 心配掛けると思っていましたが あまりにもひどい状況なので 聞きました 安心しました
Delete日本のニュースを見て 毎日変わる大変な状況は伝わっていました。
遠くにいて何もできないけど 少しでも早く安心して生活できるようにと祈ってます。
Deleteケバブプレート 何味? パパ~!!
ReplyDeleteう〜ん ケバブはケバブ味。(笑)トマトソースとサワークリームが上に乗ってるのだ!パパ〜!!!