Yesterday we had a long walk in the morning,
We went to the dog park in Solna and med a couple of dogs :)
Solna(ソルナ)の広いドッグランに行って 2・3匹のワンちゃんたちと遊べた〜!
In the afternoon, we all went to the bike shop near us to pick up my new bike!!
The bike I have right now is MTB and very heavy and doesn't go fast.
I decided to buy a hybrid this year.
I found the one I wanted with a good price but they didn't have it in stock
and it'd finally arrived!
I'm gonna have real fun with this new bike this summer.
I'm taking this to go to work on Monday!!!! ...hope it won't rain...
そして午後はみんなで 私の新車をピックアップしに♪( ´▽`)
新車と言っても 自転車ですwww
今使ってるマウンテンバイクは重すぎて 全然速く走れないから
頼んでおいたのがやっと届いたから 近くのお店へ
いいお値段したけど これでこの夏はいい運動ができそう( ^ ^ )
Today we went to Hagaparken.
The last time when we went there, it took too long to get there
and by the time when we were there, we had no energy to walk in the park.
Learned the leasson and we took a train this morning to first get there! :)
I had a feeling that Kaiya wouldn't go wild and have no ears to listen to me today.
I let her off the leash not in the big park where people were but in the wood side.
Oh she had fun!
She ran a lot and I could literally see her having fun!
It's the best in the nature!
前回歩いて行って 着くまでに時間がかかって散歩があまりできなかった
Hagaparken(ハーガパーケン)へ 今日は電車に乗って行ってきました!(笑)
人がいる公園のほうじゃなくて ちょっと森の方で ノーリードにしてみた!
I couldn't help myself run together with Kaiya since It looked really fun running in this meadow.
A while later when we had enough exercise and decided to get out of here,
OMG!!! My PHONE!!!!
I totally forgot it was in the pocket of my sweatshirt.
And of course there would be no sound when you drop it in this thick grass cushioned ground.
I was devastated for a moment
because the place was this huge ⬇︎
...but I started walk back and forth where we were running and playing.
Luckily it took less than 10 minutes to find it!!!!
I was never been happy when I found it :p
この上の草原でなんか楽しそうに走ってるから 一緒に走り回りたくなって
しばらく走って遊んで そろそろ行こうかと思った時に
あっ!!!! スマホ落とした!!!!!
しかも この柔らかい草の上
落ちた時に音もしないよねぇ〜・・・( ; ; )
⬇︎こんなに広いとこで 最初すんごく悲しくなったけど
Warm and perfect weather! Let's just take a break!
あったかくてキモチいいから ちょっと休憩してこっかぁ〜
Slowly came up to me and sat right next to me.
What an adorable baby she is :)
もそもそって動いて ちょこんと私の横に座った
Well...actually she needed some shade to relax and she used my shadow...
Sneaky little brat :p
とも思ったら 私の影の中で 一休みし始めた!
Q: What is it that Kaiya barks at?
さて Kaiyaさんは何に吠えてるのでしょうか?
A: Sleeping bag.
I don't know why it was there but that sleeping bag was by the trail.
It was too creepy for Kaiya to pass by.
She barked at it to intimidate it and nothing happened.
Then she chose to take a detour to get ahead of the trail. lol
なぜかあんなところにほさってた 寝袋が怪しすぎて
まっすぐ前に進めないから わざわざ下の方に駆け下りて遠回りをして
マミー 良い自転車だね 今度競走だね Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteいいねぇ! どっちが勝つかなぁ〜!! Kaiya〜!!