Friday, April 29, 2016

Climbing tree


I am seriously beat!!!

I've been working long hours these couple of days and I missed Kaiya!!!

Finally tomorrow is Saturday and I get to sleep in!!!!

...though I have to work in the evening...

And daddy's relatives who're staying with us just left to Dalarna for the weekend.

Which means, it'll be only three of us :)))

Anyways, no matter how busy I am, the morning walk with Kaiya is

one of the most important daily routines of mine!

This morning we did some agility-like exercises!

突然ですが お疲れモードです。

ここ数日 毎日長時間労働でまたもKaiya不足。


夕方から仕事ですが 朝はゆっくりできる!!!!

そして うちにステイしているダディの親戚も


Kaiya、ダディ、私の3人でまったり〜♪( ´▽`)

いくら忙しくても 仕事行く前の朝のKaiyaとの散歩は私の大事な日課!



and "Come!" then she runs as fast as she can and jumps
over that obstacle.

Goooooood job!!!

Then "wait" again.


"Up" on that log and wait.

Hey where are you going!
あれれ 今度は変な方向にずれていくぞ・・・

Aha! She saw Raiya, the little schnauzer, coming
this way!

Now "Up" and climb this tree!

Good job girl!

You can come down now:)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Daddy's relatives came to Sweden to visit us today!

They are staying here for the next 2 weeks.

Well, a lot of people came to see them, too!

Had dinner together and the apartment was packed.

Kaiya was little too overwhelmed.

She barked a bit at the beginning since she's a shy girl.

But soon she got used to them.

She wasn't fully comfortable being around them but found her way to be calm, I guess.

And her favorite uncle Kay came, too!

She must've been really happy and also exhausted at the same time today :p




みんなでご飯食べたりして ワイワイだったけど

シャイなKaiyaさん どうしたらいいもんだか

最初ちょっと吠えちゃったりしたけど だんだん慣れてきた〜。


嬉しかったり びっくりしたりで きっと疲れただろうなぁ(^^;)

During the walk, Kaiya was sooooooo slow!!!!! :(

She sniffed around all the time and we couldn't walk as fast as I wanted.


匂い嗅ぎまくりで 先に進まない・・・。

One of the reasons she was slow was the new harness that I got for her.

The one we already had was little too big for her so I bought a smaller size

and it finally arrived yesterday.

But I don't think she likes it.

Probably it feels weird and she suddenly stops and sits.

あと 前のハーネスはサイズが大きいことが判明したから

合ってるサイズのを買って 昨日届いたから使ってみたけど


I thought something like this would happen.

I had the collar in my pocket.

Reluctantly I put the collar on her and took off the harness.

Of course, she started to walk.

Stubborn kid!!

You gotta get used to it eventually, Kaiya!

こんなこともあろうだろうと いつものカラーも持ってきてたから


したら なんとか歩き始めた。(笑)

まったく 頑固なやつめ!

まっ 徐々に慣れようなぁ〜!

She was again slow on the afternoon walk.

Damnit, she sat down again!


また座り込み始まったぁ〜 って思ったら

Ah! She was just looking at that birdie! lol


But still she's slow after that birdie flew away.

I gotta do something to make her walk!

I decided to train her as we walked.

Trying little commands like heel, stop, right and left touch,

also some agility stuff when there were something she could jump on,

(also getting a big help from reward treats)

I made her little stimulated and she picked up the pace.

Distance wise, we didn't walk a lot but it was a looooooong walk!

まぁ それでもやっぱりハーネス抗議のスローな動き。


ヒールなどの歩き方のトレーニングやら アジリティ的なトレーニングやらを


Kaiyaの気分を持ち上げて 散歩続行!


しかし 全然距離歩いてないのに 長い散歩だったなぁ〜(笑)

Being shy.  Hiding under the table and lying by me,
シャイなKaiyaさん 私の足元で避難中(笑)

I wonder if her neck is ok like
I bet you are really beat.  Take a good rest Kaiya!
まぁ 疲れたのね。ゆっくりおやすみ〜!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sunny day in the woods

Yesterday I only worked during the evening 

so after we were done with the morning walk,

I cleaned the whole apartment and then I was reading and chilling.

Kaiya came up to me in the living room and whined.

I was like, "You already had your meal."

Then she went away and then came back again whining.

Hmm? Then I realized she went to the front door.

Oh, it's an emergency call!

Come to think of it, I remembered she'd had little runny poop since the previous night.

We ran outside and decided to have little early afternoon walk.

Well, I know it was an emergency so I followed her to let her do her business.

Intentionally or unintentionally, she sort of lead us to the woods.

We were there before we knew it.

It was such a nice weather, we'd just have fun in the woods then :)

I let her off the leash this time but the other side of the woods 

from where we often encountered rabbits.

I had Kaiya on the leash all the time lately in this particular woods

because she went crazy chasing rabbits every time and not listened to me.

I thought it was time to challenge and train her to listen to me more, 

or train myself to observe her more 

and prevent her going into those situations where she would not listen.

It went pretty good actually.

I called her back when she wanted to go to the other side of the woods

and she listened and came back! :)

昨日は夕方出勤だったので 朝の散歩を終えて 掃除して


Kaiyaさんが クンクン鳴いてる・・・





で ついて行ってみたら 玄関の前に。

あっ 外に行きたいんだ!

前の晩から ちょっとお腹ゆるかったからな。

急いで支度して そのまま午後の散歩へ!

したら そのまま森へ連行された(笑)

確かにお腹のトラブルだったけど なんかうまくはめられた気が・・・。

まぁ 天気もいいし 散歩を楽しんできたけど(^^)

なんか せっかくだから 昨日は森でノーリードにした。

最近ウサギいっぱいだし ウサギ見つけるとすぐ言うこと聞かなくなるから

森ではリードつけてたけど いつもウサギが出る反対側で様子を見ることに。

そっちに行きそうになったら 呼び戻して いい子なKaiyaさんでした!

When she knows she gets something if she comes back,
she comes to me with this huge smile on her. lol

I got some cool photos of her yesterday!

She found or saw something and as soon as she started
to run, I shouted "STOP!"
What a good girl, she listened and stopped but eyes on
the direction she was gonna go. :)
すかさず "STOP!!"

Put the leash on and came down to the other side of the
wood.  She can't resist goin in there. :p
自由時間終了して 今度はリードつけて

She usually gets scared easily and be cautious of
everything but when she's after something
she's brave as hell.
Not even a slight hesitation to go into this narrow space.
ビビリなのに と言うか
何か獲物を追ってる時は ずかずか

Too far in Kaiya, please come back!!

The last highlight is of course digging by the water :p

Lately, the sun is out a lot and very bright.  When Kaiya gets the
sunlight on herself, her coat looks very beautiful with many colors
you don't usually see.
Around the tail, when it gets the right amount of light,
it really looks crimson...unfortunately it's too difficult to see
on the photo.
最近 太陽が出て明るいからKaiyaの毛の色がすごく綺麗。
普段は基本黒く見えるのに 光が当たるとすごくたくさんの