What I really wanted to do in Japan the most was
to see the pack Kaiya's dad and mom are in and join their morning walk!
Very next day after I arrived in Japan, I went to see them!
Minami Alps Kennel is the one Kaiya is from and they have 5 Kaikens now!
I check their blogs (they are under the list of Blogs: 甲斐犬カイと野菜畑 & 南アルプス犬舎)
every single day and hoped that one day I could be there with them.
My dream came true! lol
Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi, the owners of those wonderful 5 Kaikens in their kennel,
warmly welcomed me with open arms and I had such a great time with them!!!!
日本で一番したかったこと Kaiyaのパパ ママたちのお散歩に参加すること!
毎日ブログ(Blogs欄の→甲斐犬カイと野菜畑 & 南アルプス犬舎)で見てて
いやぁ ホントに楽しかったぁ〜!
From left: Ai Natsu Hana Kai Kirara 左から: アイ ナツ ハナ カイ キララ |
Racing off the car after "OK" command. ヨシの合図で一斉にゴー!! |
Everyone is really really fast! みんな走るの速い速い! |
おっ!アイの有名な川下りかなぁ〜 |
Kai the pack leader.....stunning♡ このパックのリーダー カイ・・・凛々しい〜♡ |
I brought a tennis ball for Kai since I knew he loved to play with a ball. カイがボール好きって知ってたから テニスボール持ってったらうれしそうに遊んでくれた! |
Somebody took the ball from Kai. カイからボール奪ったな! |
That was quick. He's got it back! :) と思ったら もうすでに取り返してたカイ(^^) |
Finally Kirara got the ball! ついにキララもボール ゲット! よかったねぇ〜 |
And Kai again! lol って もうカイがボール持ってる!(笑) |
Hana likes to be alone and usually goes wandering around by herself. She comes back time to time to join others for a while. 1人遊びが好きなハナ たまにみんながいるとこに戻ってきて遊んでみる(^_^) |
Kai's smiling :) カイ笑ってる〜(^0^) |
Natsu was pregnant at this time. She gave birth to 6 puppies later! なっちゃんはこのとき妊婦さん この後 6匹の仔犬を生みました! |
Hahahaha! You can't win over your aunt, Kirara! あはははは!まだまだだなキララ〜! |
Wow, Hana's joinging in! おっ ハナ参戦! |
No wonder Kirara gets stronger and stronger. She's got two special trainers! ;) こりゃ鍛え上げられるわなぁ〜 |
Kirara doesn't give up! GO Girl!! キララ 諦めないねぇ〜!感心感心! |
I think this is Ai... She's trying to hunt down someone...lol これアイかなぁ〜 なんか狙ってる(笑) |
Ai Hana and Kirara always run together! アイ ハナ キララは いつも仲良く走ってる! |
Someone is running super fast towards Natsu...I bet it's Ai. すんごい勢いでナツの方に走ってくるひとがいるわ・・・アイかな? |
Very fast こっちも速い |
The owner blew the whistle and it means come gather around! They are such good doggies! お父さんが犬笛を吹いて みんな集まれの合図! ほんとにいい子たち! |
Time to go home! "Wait"..... and "OK." They all start to run to the car! 散歩終了〜! ヨシの合図で一斉に車へ ダッシュ!! |
Hahahaha! Kirara stopped because she was curious about me taking photos on their way. はははは!キララ止まっちゃったwww いつもいない私がいつもの道で写真を撮ってたから不思議だったんだろうな(笑) |
Even your mom Natsu passing you Kirara! お母さんのナツにも抜かれて キララが一番最後になっちゃった! |
ブログに載せてくれて ありがとう
Deleteまた 一緒に散歩行きたいでーす!!!(^O^)
お父さん、お母さん 元気してますよ Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteあはははは!してますよ Kaiya〜!!