No rain! The sunshine was coming through the window!!!(^^)
You make my day, Sun!
But I woke up little late today that we couldn't do 1-hour walk this morning...sorry Kaiya.
We'll do the long one in the afternooon :)
太陽様さま!太陽の光浴びるだけで 元気出るぅ!
って今日はちょっと寝坊して 1時間は散歩できなかった・・・40分くらい?
As soon as I got home from work, we took off to the wood!
It's been quite a while since the last time.
But it's gotten sooooo dark when we got there.
The Swedish winter is here again....short day time...
The sun starts to go down around 3 in the afternoon.
By the time when we were having fun hiking around 4, it was too dark to spot Kaiya. lol
(In the photos, it looks not that dark but it was much darker.)
Despite that darkness, Kaiya ran and ran and ran!!!!
I don't know how she sees and does that without falling or slipping.
I was so amazed!!!!!!
Since she hasn't been getting good exercise these couple days because of the rain,
she really really needed it, I guess.
仕事終わって帰宅後 すぐに森へ レッツゴー!
でもでも・・・森に着いたらもうすでに すんごく暗かったぁ(>_<)
午後3時には日が暮れ始めるから 4時くらいに森で楽しんでるときには
真っ暗に近かった・・・から Kaiyaがどこにいるのか全然わからん!(笑)
(写真は明るく見えるけど 実際は全然もっと暗かった!)
そんな暗闇なんてなんのその Kaiyaさん猛スピードで走りまくっててビックリ!www
コケたりぶつかったりしないで よく走れる・・・感心 感心
ここんとこ雨でろくに運動できなかったから ストレス発散だったのかなぁ???(^^)
オーッ 思いっきり走ったぞ~ Kaiya~!!
DeleteKAIYA も安奈ちゃんも今のうちに日の光をよく吸収しておきな。