Such a perfect day to ride the bike!
The sun was out and already warm when we went out for the morning walk.
I've been little lazy doing exercises....I decided to do it for real today!
I biked to work, round trip about 50 minutes of cycling.
Then I went directly to the gym after work and did 45 minutes weight training!!!
I feel sooo good doing all the work out!
Anyways, Kaiya, on the other hand, was chilling and little cuddling with daddy while I was gone.
I guess Kaiya and daddy had a good day, too :)
今日は 朝から晴れて 暖かくて パーフェクトの日!
最近ちょっと怠けてたから 自分の運動する日にした!
とまぁ 私のいない間Kaiyaはダディとのほほぉ〜んと楽しく過ごしたみたい(^0^)
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In the morning, she suddenly jumped and disappeared into the bush. lol She was probably after some bugs :p 朝 ドッグパークでいきなり助走しないでピョーッンと飛んで草むらの中に消えた(笑) なんか虫でも追ってるのかな? |
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Cuddling with daddy after I left home. 私が仕事に出てからダディとソファでラブラブ〜♡ |
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Afternoon walk with daddy She lay down and didn't wanna move for a while. She must've been enjoying sunbathing! 午後のダディとの散歩 横になって動かないKaiyaさん きっと日向ぼっこを満喫したかったんだろぉねぇ〜 |
Late evening, falling a sleep...:) 夜 ウトウト 眠くなりましたなぁ(笑) |
"I'm sleepy...what do you want, mommy??" "何、マミー? 眠いんですけど なんか用??" |
Sweet dreams! I guess we can go for the night walk little later :) 本気寝モード入った! 夜の散歩はもうちょっとしてからだなぁ〜(^^) |
ほふく前進、伏せ! いつもやってるよ~ベッドでも KAIYA~