Kaiya was feeling enthusiastic and run a lot
both in the morning and the night.
今日は 走る気分なKaiyaさん
This morning, the moment I took the leash off from her, she went crazy!!
Running back and forth and very very fast!!
今朝 ちょっとリード外したら 狂ったように行ったり来たり
When I was chilling on the sofa in the late afternoon...
"Hey mommy"
" ねぇねぇ マミー"
"Let's play!"
Night walk.
It was darker than it looks in the photo, that's why she had the flashlight collar.
As soon as I took off the leash, she ran and ran and ran.
I was the one who actually needed a little exercise...since I skipped the gym today....
I joined her and ran and played together!
光るカラー付けて 放したらやっぱり走りまくる!(^^)
私のが運動不足だから この岩場の丘を一緒に走って遊んだなり〜!
「ね~ マミ~ 遊ぼっ」 かわいい KAIYA~!!