Last weekend, we went to visit daddy's best friend Kay!
Kaiya and daddy had been this nature preserve by Kay's place.
This time I could finally come here!!!
Such a beautiful place and perfect place to take a walk.
In this nature preserve, there was a animal park where they kept piggies, rabbits, sheep, roosters and probably more.
Oh yeah, we saw a wild deer, too!!
We went around about 1 and half hour but that was not enough to explore this huge nature!
I wanna go back there again!!!
先週末 ダディの親友のケイのお家に遊びに行ってきたぁ!
Kaiyaとダディは ケイの家の近くのこの自然保護区の森に行ったことあるけど
保護区の中には 動物が飼育されてるとこがあって
ブタさん ウサギさん ヒツジさん ニワトリさん 見たなり!・・・多分他にもいると思う
そうそう 野生の鹿も見た!
1時間半くらい散歩したけど まだまだここを全部見るには全然足りない
↓ the sign says "dogs are only allowed on-leash."
Unfortunate for Kaiya, she had to be on the leash.
Only by the beach, we let her go and play though :)
ので Kaiyaは残念ながらリード付けてお散歩
浜辺のとこだけ 放してあげたけどね!
すげ~な~!! 増富と動物園と富士五湖が一緒になったようなところだねKAIYA~
Deleteその表現 すげぇ〜!!(笑)