While we were taking a walk, Kaiya sat down out of blue...like this.
You sit funny, Kaiya, does that make you comfy??
散歩中 急におしゃんこ(^_^;)
なんか座りかた変だよ Kaiya・・・(笑)
While we were taking a walk, Kaiya sat down out of blue...like this.
You sit funny, Kaiya, does that make you comfy??
散歩中 急におしゃんこ(^_^;)
なんか座りかた変だよ Kaiya・・・(笑)
Yeserday became one nice summer day as well:)
On our usual promenade, there were a lot of people by the water sunbathing.
It looks like Swedish summer has finally began!
いつもの散歩道の水辺で たくさんの人が日光浴してた!!
少しでも暖かくなると すかさずみんな最寄りの公園やら水辺やらで 水着で日光浴!