Sunday, August 25, 2019

Quick Mato-hunt / 急いでMato狩り Aug. 24

Mommy still has jet lag...and wake up early early in the morning everyday.
We took advantage of it on Saturday morning and went to the dog park in Åkeshov.


朝早〜くに目が覚めてしまうので 土曜の朝は遠くのドッグランまで行ってきたよ!

So ready to begin Mato-hunt. lol 

早速 Mato狩り。

We usually stay here very long.  But somehow they both were going back to the gate all the time as if they wanted to leave already so we did and left this place after not too long.

いつもは結構長くここに居るのに なぜか2人とも入り口の方ばかり気にして あんまり走って遊ばないから そんなに長居はせずにすぐここを後にしたのでした。