We took the train to Åkeshov and then walked in the woods :)))
Mato |
Kaiya |
Feeling gooooood!!
But mommy got a lot of mosquito bites.
Every time they bite me, I feel the stinging pain so I slap the place they bite as a reflex and they get smashed...
They aren't so smart as Japanese mosquitos which bite not too hard and I wouldn't notice I got a mosquito bite until it gets itchy.
Come to think of it, this might have been the first time I got mosquito bites here in Sweden.
This year, and last year as well, the summer in Sweden is hotter than usual. It may have something to do with the mosquitos.
けど マミーいっぱい蚊に刺された。
こっちの蚊 刺す時痛い。
グサってきて イタっ思ってその反動で箇所に張り手したら そのまま刺した蚊を仕留められるくらいの トロイ蚊たちだったけど 考えてみたらこっちにきて蚊に刺されるの初めてじゃね?
去年も今年も暑いから こっちにもついに蚊がいっぱい出てきたのかしら?
We are here at the dog park.
Kaiya is telling me that she's about to start Mato-hunting with her face. lol
Kaiyaさん・・・"えへへ。Mato狩り始めるよ!" と言わんばかりの顔(笑)
Exhausted babies are always quiet and sleeping most of the times at home...like this :p
お疲れのお2人さんは お家ではいつも静かだし大抵はこんな感じで寝てばっかりなのだす(^_^)
I guess I woke Kaiya up.
Mato |