Friday, June 28, 2019

Toys / おもちゃ Jun. 27

Mommy has bought many toys for Kaiya and Mato.  But!  They have no interests in them :(
Well, when they were puppies, they played with toys that I got for them.  Now that they were 5 and 3 years old.  Grownups don't get excited over toys...even tennis balls don't do the tricks any more unless they were in the mood. ;p

However, there's one thing that gets Mato.  And it doesn't cost at all.
Yes, it's the socks!
I put some old towel or old socks which have holes that we don't wear anymore into one of these socks and tada!!   

マミーはKaiyaとMatoの為に 今まで色々おもちゃ買ったんだけど 全然おもちゃで遊ばない2人(笑)

まぁ 子犬時代は結構食いついてたけど 今や5歳3歳の大人。

ボールでさえ 気が向かなければ全然興味ナッシング。





穴があいて履かなくなった靴下に古くなったタオルだったり もっといらなくなった靴下だったりを詰めて 出来上がり。

If I throw this, he would run after it and bring it to me.  We also play doing tug of war together :)

これ投げれば取ってくるし 引っ張りっこしたりして一緒に遊んだりするんだよぉ〜。

Sometimes he starts to shake it suddenly when he gets tad excited just before the walk.
One time, we left home for a walk and I noticed he had it in his mouth. lol
After 5 minutes, he just suddenly dropped it like it's nothing important and left it behind. 
No worries!  Mommy picked it up and took it home so that he was able to play with it again at home ;)

散歩の前に少し興奮すると いきなりこれを振り回してたりする おもしろMato。

一回そのまま加えてお散歩に出て 途中でポトリ(笑)

マミーが責任持って 持って帰ってきたけどね。

Although he tears it into million pieces and destroys it eventually, this sock toy comes in handy ;))  (Btw, it's only Mato play with it.  Kaiya doesn't even give a glance at it. lol)

最終的にはこうやって引っ張って 引き千切って バラバラになるんだけど 靴下のおもちゃはうちでは重宝してるさね〜!(Matoだけね。Kaiyaはやっぱり興味なしw)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rain Rain Rain / 雨・雨・雨 Jun. 26

It started to rain last night, and it continued until whole day today until the evening.
We took the morning walk in a pouring rain.
Yep, we all got soaked.
Well, can't have eyes wide-open when it rains like this, can we, Kaiya?

昨日の夜から降り始めた雨は 今日1日中降り続いて 夕方過ぎてからやっとおさまったよ。




You know what!  We met Chilli and Carina today!
It must have been more than a month since the last.
At first, I don't think Kaiya knew it was Carina and Chilli.  She carefully observed and then ran to them with joy ;p

そして そして ちょ〜久しぶりにシリィとカリーナに会ったよ!


Mato's 3rd Birthday / Matoの3歳の誕生日 Jun. 25

Today, June 25th, is Mato's birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Mato❤︎
Kaiya and Mato's birthdays are very close so we have birthday every week for two weeks in June ;)
He's already 3 years old!!  Has he become a handsome guy? :)

今日 6月25日はMatoの誕生日!!!

Kaiyaと約1週間違いだから 6月は2週続けて誕生日があるの〜(*≧∀≦*)


いい男になったかな???( ◠‿◠ )

Mommy worked hard today and made a homemade birthday cake!!!
I used rice flour, eggs, coconut oil, and most importantly added some Mato's favorite banana and sweet potato.  Plus, I used less fat whipping cream without sugar for coating.  Gluten free and healthy ;)
I didn't have any recipe.  It was just my it didn't rise as I expected :(
It wasn't sweet enough for human, but both Mato and Kaiya seemed like they liked it ;))))





クリームは脂肪低めで砂糖なしだしグルテンフリーだし いいっしょこれ?(^_−)

レシピはないから 目分量でやったら やっぱりあんまり膨らまなかったね(^^;)


And it's Kaiya's turn to eat good stuff when it's not her birthday. lol


Monday, June 24, 2019

Midsummer weekend / 夏至祭の週末 Jun. 24

It's been a while.  How are you guys doing?
I've been busy and couldn't upload blogs...
Last Friday was Midsummer's day.  Both mommy and daddy were off from work from Friday to Sunday.
But mommy got cold a bit and couldn't do anything but sleeping both on Saturday and Sunday :((
Kaiya and Mato, on the other hand, are doing very fine as usual :))
On Thursday, we only did big cleaning at work so Kaiya and Mato came along ;))



先週の金曜日はMidsommar 夏至祭で 金曜日から日曜日までマミーもダディも休みでした!



木曜日は大掃除の日だったから KaiyaもMatoも一緒に出勤したよ〜。


We had really nice weather over the weekend.
On Sunday, daddy's friends came including Kaiya's favorite uncle Kay and uncle Patrik.  They both were happy to see them ;)


日曜日はダディのお友達がたくさんきて 大好きなケイおじさんやパトリックおじさんもいたから大喜びだったよぉ(*≧∀≦*)

Mommy went to see the midsummer festival with friends to a farm on Friday.
It wasn't too far.  There was a direct buss going from in front of our home to get there, and only took about 30 minutes.


バス一本で家から30分くらいで行けて こんな牧場みたいなところ〜!

We had picnic there :))

お弁当持って行ってピクニックしたよ( ◠‿◠ )

This is the main event of the midsummer, dancing around the pole!


At the cafe, there were so many different kinds of cakes and pies❤︎


We had this one!  Yummy :)


If you pay 20kr, then you can actually go inside the fence and touch the sheep.
Yes, we did.

20クローナ払って 羊さんと戯れた〜。

They were so cuuuuuuute!!!!
This one reminded me of Mato... LOL



Now we were back home.  Daddy's homemade ramen for the dinner ;))))

お家に帰ってきて 今度はダディ手作りのラーメンをいただきました〜(*≧∀≦*)

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The bed is mine / ベッドは私のもの Jun. 18

Kaiya is Kaiya.  Doesn't change even if she becomes 5 years old.
"The bed is mine" lol



Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Kaiya's 5th birthday! / Kaiya5歳の誕生日 Jun. 17

This handsome girl became 5 years old today!



ハンサムな美人さんのKaiya こう見えて本日5歳になったよ!

Because it's a special day...we went out in the early evening and has some ice cream!!

とまぁ 今日は誕生日だから・・・まずは夕方外でアイスターイム!

Of course, you get it, too Mato!


Then mommy steamed a whole chicken for the dinner!

Still bit hot but have a bite.

ちとまだ熱いけど どうぞ。

Yum yum??



For the desert, we got some yogurt!




Desert number two, peanut butter!

デザート第2弾は ピーナッツバター!


Well, this guy here was so lucky having all the specials for Kaiya's birthday when it's not even his birthday yet ;p


Sunday, June 16, 2019

"Straw Hat" Kaiya / 麦わらのKaiya Jun. 16

Mommy put her straw hat on Kiaya.
Sooooo cute!!!
But she shook it off right away though :p



けど すぐ振り落とされたけどね(笑)

It was hot today, too.
We enjoyed the summer under the shade of a tree :))



Mato always looks happy and fun :)))


Of course, they have to take a nap after the walk.

お家に帰ってきたら お昼寝〜。

Chnaged the spot and back to nap again.

移動して またもお昼寝〜。


Fun day Saturday / 楽しい土曜日 Jun. 15

Mato ran with me for my training today.
He ran 2 sets of 2 km.
The sun was shining and temperature was going up very quickly.  It became too hot for Mato to run any more at the end though.  



天気もよくて 良い感じに気温も上がってきてたから 2セット目の最後は流石に暑くてちょいとバテてきたMatoだったよ。

Kaiya, on the other hand, is not really a running type.
But I thought it was unfair for Kaiya that only Mato went out for extra walk, so I took her out, too, after I was done working out.
And mainly, she was chilling in the shade. lol


だけど Matoばっかり外に出てたのはアンフェアだから Kaiyaもマミーのトレーニング終わってからお外にきたよぉ〜。

けど 日陰で涼んでた〜(笑)

Simba's mom called me to join them for sunbathing by the woods in the early evening.
On the way there, we met Taro!

夕方はシンバのママに誘われて 日光浴しに森の方まで行ってきたよ。

したら途中でタロにあったから 一緒にお散歩〜。

Taro has only met Simba for a few times, I guess.  He was trying to jump on Simba and it's gotten a bit intense.  
Then Mato started to growl at Taro.
I guess he thinks Simba is one of our pack members.  That's why he became protective toward Simba.

タロはあんまりシンバに会った事ないから ちょいとガウガウさんになりかけてたんだ。

したら Matoが怒ってガウガウ タロに言い始めたよ。

シンバはうちのパックの一員って思ってるんだろうね。シンバを守ろうとしてたよ(^ ^)

We spent a lot times outside today and had a lot of fun!

いっぱい外に出て 楽しい1日だったよぉ〜!

On the way home, Mato cracked us up!!  He came out of the bushes and look what happened to him. lol

帰りに Matoがみんなで爆笑させてくれたよ〜(*≧∀≦*)

草むらから出てきたら なんかいっぱい付けてきたよ。