Mommy has bought many toys for Kaiya and Mato. But! They have no interests in them :(
Well, when they were puppies, they played with toys that I got for them. Now that they were 5 and 3 years old. Grownups don't get excited over toys...even tennis balls don't do the tricks any more unless they were in the mood. ;p
However, there's one thing that gets Mato. And it doesn't cost at all.
Yes, it's the socks!
I put some old towel or old socks which have holes that we don't wear anymore into one of these socks and tada!!
マミーはKaiyaとMatoの為に 今まで色々おもちゃ買ったんだけど 全然おもちゃで遊ばない2人(笑)
まぁ 子犬時代は結構食いついてたけど 今や5歳3歳の大人。
ボールでさえ 気が向かなければ全然興味ナッシング。
穴があいて履かなくなった靴下に古くなったタオルだったり もっといらなくなった靴下だったりを詰めて 出来上がり。
If I throw this, he would run after it and bring it to me. We also play doing tug of war together :)
これ投げれば取ってくるし 引っ張りっこしたりして一緒に遊んだりするんだよぉ〜。
Sometimes he starts to shake it suddenly when he gets tad excited just before the walk.
One time, we left home for a walk and I noticed he had it in his mouth. lol
After 5 minutes, he just suddenly dropped it like it's nothing important and left it behind.
No worries! Mommy picked it up and took it home so that he was able to play with it again at home ;)
散歩の前に少し興奮すると いきなりこれを振り回してたりする おもしろMato。
一回そのまま加えてお散歩に出て 途中でポトリ(笑)
マミーが責任持って 持って帰ってきたけどね。
Although he tears it into million pieces and destroys it eventually, this sock toy comes in handy ;)) (Btw, it's only Mato play with it. Kaiya doesn't even give a glance at it. lol)
最終的にはこうやって引っ張って 引き千切って バラバラになるんだけど 靴下のおもちゃはうちでは重宝してるさね〜!(Matoだけね。Kaiyaはやっぱり興味なしw)