It was a sunny Sunday but still chilly outside.
We walked to my friends place, who live about 25 minute-walk away, to water the plants. They are in Japan right now, and I'm a plant-sitter while they are gone for a month ;)
日曜日は晴れだけど まだまだ寒いストックホルムだったよ。
あさんぽは歩いて25分くらいのところに住んでる友達のところの植物たちにお水をあげに行ったの。友達家族今日本に帰ってるから いない1ヶ月間プランツシッターしてるんだ(^_−)−☆
Kaiya |
Mato |
On the way home, we passed by the post office we usually go to time to time and Kaiya stopped right in front of it.
I guess she thought we were going in there. lol
She really has a good memory and knows her way around ;p
But we have no business here today. Let's go home now!
帰りにいつもいく郵便局の前を通ったら Kaiyaさんの足が止まった。
ホントこの子は記憶力がいいし よくわかってらっしゃる。
Kaiya |
良い子良い子 頭の良い子!!