Sunday, April 7, 2019

Naughty boy / イタズラくん Apr. 06

Mommy had long shifts on both Wednesday and Thursday.  Plus, I went to see my friends yesterday evening and came back real late at night.  
Mato missed mommy too much that he did some naughty thing yesterday...

水曜と木曜は長いシフトで朝から夜まで仕事 金曜日は夕方から夜中まで友達の家に遊びに行っていたから ここ数日マミーが足りなかったらしいMato。


I was so tired that I had to cut the morning walks shorter than usual, too, which might gave him some stress.
This happens once in a year at most but I'll try my best taking you guys for long walks as much as I could in order not to let this happen again.
マミー担当のあさんぽも 疲れてていつもより短かったから ストレスになっちゃってたのかも〜。

1年に1回くらいこんなイタズラが起きるけど 今年はもうこんなことがないようにもっといっぱいおさんぽしようなぁ〜!

Here we go!  We really took a looooooong walk this morning!
It was the best warm and beautiful day to be outside 2 and a half hours ;)
We had a lot of fun!




This was before we took off for a morning walk.  I thought I could sleep tiny bit more on the sofa but this boy didn't let me


朝散歩に行く前にもう少し寝ようとソファに横になってたら Matoに阻止された(笑)


  1. 「ごめんなさいね~」と言いなさい「Mato~」...良いね!!
