This is where Kaiya and Mato came eariler this week. Back then, it was blooming so much and full of pink color. We went there on a perfect day. By Sunday, most of them fell out. The festival was held in not so pink square and a sunny but cold day :(
まだまだ仕事三昧が続いてるマミーだけど 日曜日にKungsträdgården(クングストレードゴーデン)へ桜祭りを少し見に仕事前に友達と行ってきたよ。
残念ながら桜は大分散ってて このイベントは少しさみしい感じの中 そしていつもより寒い日に開かれたよ(^^;)
この間 KaiyaとMatoを連れて見に行った時は満開に近くてちょうどよかったな(о´∀`о)
It was too crowded to see all the booths throughly :((
人が多くてゆっくり見ても回れなかったけど 色々なブースがあったよ。
We ate Omusoba! It's one of popular Japanese street food dishes with Yakisoba noodles wrapped in an omelet.
This was actually really good...considering that you can almost never find decent Japanese food in Sweden. One thing though...the food was too little for what we paid for....I could've eaten three more. ;p
そして オムソバ食べた〜!
これはかなり美味かったんだけど 値段の割に量がとっても少なすぎてあと3個は食べれたな(笑)
There was a Japanese drum performance.
Also, Koto and Shaku hachi musical performance.
Well, my kids, on the other hand, are doing well as usual.
Kaiya is supposed to have her heat soon. I guess she smells good and Mato smells her butt often ;)
さてさて うちの子たちはと言うと・・・。
Kaiyaさん そろそろヒートが来るはずなんだよねぇ。
ってなことで いい匂いがするらしく MatoちんがKaiyaのお尻をクンクン。
When he does it too much, Mato gets scolded by Kaiya ... lol