Thanks to the snow and clouds, since there was no sun peeking from the clouds, it felt not that cold. In fact it wasn't actually that cold as the temperature wise.
Anyways, this morning we walked to Zoo, the pet supply store, to get a bag of dry food. I prepared myself with a backpack and curried 6kg dry food with my 2 stubborn kids who wanted to play more outside instead of going home... :(
That was quite a job since I'm being a state of getting cold.
The rest of the day, I slept and rest a lot. Hopefully by tomorrow I regain my total strength.
また昨日の夜雪が降ったから 今朝はもちろん白い世界。
雪と雲のおかげで 太陽は出てないけど 寒さが和らいだ。やっぱり晴れてないと 温度が上がるような・・・実際気温はプラスだったし( ´ ▽ ` )
そんな中 今朝はドライフードを買うためにペットサプライストアのZooまでお散歩〜!
バックパックに入る大きさの6kgを購入。それを背負って早く帰りたいのに うちの子たちはまだ外で遊びたくて帰りたくないワガママっ子(笑)
ってことで 朝の散歩の後は寝て休んで過ごした1日。明日は治ってるといいなぁ。
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato |
They can't figure out what that big sound making snowplow is doing... :p
Kaiya Mato |
仲良しKaiya~ こよしMato~ !!
ReplyDelete仲良しこよし Kaiya Mato〜!!