Cloudy Stockholm whole day today.
Everyday we gain about 2 minutes of daylight but it was like we went back to the winter again.
It felt like it went dark earlier than usual.
Anyways, daddy had to work long hours, pretty much all day long. The kids had all three walks, morning, afternoon, and night, with mommy ;)))
We did more than an hour each and walked a lot. Good exercise for the day :)
今日は曇りで 一日中暗かったストックホルムです。
そしてそして ダディが一日中お仕事だったから 朝昼夜の3回の散歩全部マミーと( ´ ▽ ` )
それぞれ1時間くらいはお散歩して いっぱい歩いていい運動したゼィ!
Kaiya |
Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Kaiya had done this before but today it was Mato who used the keyboard as a pillow. lol
Thank to him, the series that I was watching on the screen got stopped....he must've pressed some keys.
These two just loooove to bug me, I guess ;p
Kaiyaもこれしたことあるけど Matoも今日初めてキーボードを枕がわりに寝てた(笑)
おかげで なんかのキーを押してくれて テレビで見てたドラマを一時停止してくれたよ(笑)
頭を冷やしながら寝るにはこれが一番だ~ マトマト...トマト!!