We got out to take a walk earlier than usual this morning. It was very red outside.
いつもより早くにあさんぽに出たら なんだか赤い。
Kaiya |
Mato |
Kaiya |
I had to leave home early today and that made me even more tired.
After the work, I went to physical therapy, then came home and took a nap :)
Btw, I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but why am I going to physical therapy?
Because of my right arm that I injured from bouldering...well actually I got injured when I fell off a bike at first.
I go see the physical therapist once a week for the past month but it's going slow...
Because of this arm, I can't do weight training at the gym and that gives me a little stress.
I wanna run but my ankles are not in good shape so I can't really run long.
I could bike but it's been really cold, not really good weather...
No motivation at all lately...maybe because I have't seen the sun for quite some time. I hope it will be a fine day tomorrow.
Anyways, it's Friday. Something nice for my kids!
Lamb neck bones!!!
Both loves to chew on bones.
These were fairly big pieces. They were chewing for a long time but eventually they ate them all!!!
今日は早く家を出なきゃいけなかったから なんだか余計疲れた〜。
仕事後にフィジカルセラピーに行って うち帰ってきてから昼寝してやったゼィ!
ちなみにフィジカルセラピーは 前にチャリでコケて打って その後ボルダリングで痛めた腕の為〜。週1ペースで1ヶ月くらい前から通い始めたけど なかなかすぐには治らないなぁ・・・。
この腕のせいでジム行ってもウエイトトレーニングができなくて ストレス〜(;o;)
走りたいけど 足首を無理できないから やっぱり自転車かなぁ〜・・・けど最近寒いし天気悪いし・・・(泣)
まぁ 金曜だし! 今日はご馳走!・・なのかな?
大きいからけっこー長いことガリガリしてたけど お2人とも完食!お見事。
Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Kaiya |
ラム 美味しい マミー ありがとう Kaiya~Mato!!