Because I've been off from work, I've set my alarm an hour later than usual
so I can sleep in a little bit.
my girl wakes me up everyday about the same time as before.
I'm not a morning person and I'm not obligated to get up early to go to work
so I usually try to get Kaiya up on the bed and keep sleeping for another 30 minutes.
Yesterday morning, I heard Kaiya's usual whining wake-up call.
I opened my eyes and tried to reach my hand to pet my girl.
But she wasn't there where she usually sat and waited for me to pet!!!
I realized she was whining on the other side of the bed, which is DADDY'S SIDE!!!!
Daddy slowly got himself up and got ready to take her out.
I decided to go back to sleep :p
That a girl, Kaiya!!!
ここのとこ休みだったから 目覚ましをいつもより遅くセットしてたんだけど
うちの娘 毎日いつもと同じくらいの時間に鳴いて起こしてくれくる・・・(`_´)
それでも 朝弱いマミーはKaiyaをなんとかベッドの上に呼んで
昨日はクンクン泣いてる声が聞こえるから 目を開けていつものように
ベッドから手を下に出して なでなでしようとしたらKaiyaがいない!
したらダディが のそのそ起きはじめた
じゃっ 私はこのまままた寝ちゃえ〜!(^^)
でかした Kaiya!!!!
Well, this morning she decided to wake mommy up. :(
Yes, I took her out this morning!
I guess a walk with me is more fun than with daddy maybe :p lol
And I wanted Kaiya to run in the snow while it's still there
since she loves snow.
I let her have the off-the-leash running time from today!
Oh yeah, she was happy and running a lot!
今朝は いつもの通りマミー側で鳴いて起こしてくれたKaiyaさん
多分 ダディとの散歩よりマミーとの散歩のが楽しいのね!(笑)
そして今日から解禁 オフリーシュタイム!
今日もいっぱい走った 走った!
久しぶりの雪の感触はどうだ? KAIYA
ReplyDelete最高だぜ おじちゃん!(^o^)
Delete雪山スラローム 任してちょうだい 私4WD(4足駆動)だから Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteさすが四駆は違うわね KAIYA〜!!