There was a broken ball in the dog park 壊れたボール発見 |
It doesn't seem like she's in the mood for chasing the ball. なんか食い付き悪いな〜 |
Done already? もう終わり? |
Still wanna play with it? おっ まだ遊ぶかな? |
"Mommy, I'm bored." lol "マミー つまんない"(笑) |
What did you find this time? なんか発見したかな? |
This is Kaiya inviting me to play with her. 棒拾ってきて 誘ってきたぁ〜 |
Yeah yeah I hold it for ya! はいはい 持ってあげるよぉ〜 |
She loves to make me hold the other end of the stick and do a tug of war! lol Kaiyaさん 私に棒持たせて引っ張りっこするの好き(笑) |
She ran towards to the gate all the sudden. No wonder. It was Chilli coming in! 急にゲートの方に行ったと思ったら シリィが来たぁ!! |
He's into the ball more than Kaiya was. シリィの方がボールへの食い付きがいいなぁ |
You go run and chase the ball with Chilli, Kaiya! Kaiyaも一緒においかけてきなぁ〜! |
Delete家ではおもちゃで遊ばないけど 外では木の棒とか松ぼっくりとか栗とかで遊ぶのが好き!
棒だよ ぼうだよ 絶対ボウだよ Kaiya~!!