Friday, October 11, 2019

Busy week / バタバタな週 Oct. 10

Hey, it'e been a while again.  This week's been crazy.
On Tuesday evening, I attended a workshop called Coding For Beginners.  
One of my friends actually asked me to go with her so I signed up for it , but eventually I went there alone since she wasn't feeling well that day.
I actually thank her for letting me know this workshop though. 
I've been studying to code for a while now by myself because I'm interested in coding and would like to work in IT field in the future.
Although what they taught in the workshop was very basic of Html and CSS which I already knew about, I got a lot of information about intensive courses they offer where they teach Java, C#, etc. :)))


火曜日の夜はCoding For Beginners っていうワークショップがあって行ってきたの〜。

友達に誘われてたからサインアップしたんだけど その友達は体調不良で結局マミー1人で行ってきた。

ってのもマミーはIT系のお仕事したいから今独学でコーディングをお勉強中なので このワークショップ興味あったんだよね。

行ってこれてよかった。実際に教えてくれたことは基礎の基礎でマミーには必要なかったけど 職に繋がるインテンシブなコースとかの色んな情報が手に入ったよ。

Wednesday is a sleepy day.  Kaiya and Mato taking over the bed and taking a nap ;)

水曜日のKaiya&Matoは おねむ〜。

Oops, she woke up...looks like she's saying "Shhhh, Mommy! Let me sleep."

あ。目が開いた。"マミーうるさいよ" とでも言っているようだわ。

Mato didn't even care about the sound of the camera ;p


And today, Thursday, we made a new friend.
When we were in the dog park this morning, a guy with a dog just came in without say anything or asking if it's ok to come in.  I got bit worried, but I didn't wanna affect Kaiya and Mato with my reaction so I tired to be calm.
Thank god, he was one who understands dogs.  
Even though Kaiya and Mato were being cocky and especially Kaiya was barking at the owner a lot, he smiled and didn't get offended by that.  He just said, each dog has his or her character.  Super calm and kind man.
Well, this new friend's name is Choco after Chocolate.  He's 3 years old and has been castrated.  That's why Mato didn't react too much to him as he usually does to other unneutered  males.
Kaiya and Mato are very difficult when it come to interacting with other dogs, especially when they are together since their bond as a pack is tight.
Mommy is very happy when they make friends like this ;)))

そしてそして本日 木曜日は新しいお友達ができたよ。

いきなに何も声をかけずにドッグランに入ってくる人がいて ヤベッ!!!って思ったんだけど ちゃんと犬を理解してる人だったからよかった。

KaiyaとMatoが生意気に振舞っても 特にKaiyaは飼い主さんに吠えたりしてたけど 全然笑ってそれも個性だしね〜って。


KaiyaとMatoは一緒にいるパック感が強まって 他の子と遊ぶのが難しいから こうやって遊べる子が増えるのは嬉しいことだ(´∀`*)


  1. KAIYAとMATOに、また新しいお友達ができるのは、楽しみだね。
