Mommy had a day off and we went to the woods in the morning!
お休みマミーだったから 朝から森にきたよぉ〜!
As soon as I took the leash off, they started to run around.
I saw them turning around coming towards me so I sat to be ready to shoot photos.
They were seconds away then there comes a rabbit jumped out from the bush in front of me little more than 5 meters away.
Dammit! We made eye contact and then the rabbit started to run off to the side.
Yep. The rabbit runs, Mato runs after.
リード外して走り始めたから カメラを構えて2人がこっちに向かってくるのを待ってると ぴょこんとウサギが草むらから出てきた〜〜〜〜〜!
私と目が合ったらすぐに走り出した ウサギさん・・・
Then Kaiya run after them.
But as I got up and started to walk, I noticed Kaiya stayed. I don't even remember if I said "Stop".
She's such a good girl, isn't she? ;))
だけど "STOP" って指示出したか覚えてないけど 私がそちらに歩き始めたらKaiyaが止まって待ってた。
Anyways, I put the leash on Kaiya and started to walk with her after them as I whistled the dog whistle.
After a while Kaiya stopped and didn't seem to want to go farther.
It was a bit high ground where we could see the place where we started to walk anyways. We decided to wait here for Mato to come back.
Then I saw Mato walking bit fast going back to where he left.
I called out his name and he ran towards us smiling.
I guess somebody had a real fun running after something instead of being chased from Kaiya ;p
The rabbit was probably much faster than Mato and he lost him. That's probably why he came back within 5 minutes or so ;)))
とりあえず Kaiyaにリードつけて犬笛吹きながら Matoが走って行った方に少し歩いて行っていたら Kaiyaが止まって先に進みたがらない。
まぁ 追いかけ始めた元の場所も見えるちょいと高台の場所だったからここで暫く様子を見るかと思ったら スタスタと下の方を小走りで戻ってきたMato。
いつもMato狩りで追いかけられてるからな 今日はうささんを追いかけて楽しんできたご様子(笑)
うささん足が早すぎて すぐに逃げられたのか 5分以内に戻ってきたMatoでした(*´∇`*)
Mato |
It was cold again, but nothing to complain as long as the sun is out :)))
今日も気温は低かったけど 太陽が出て気持ちよかった〜!
Kaiya |